Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Abortion Causes And Effects - 1738 Words

Many studies have been done to try to understand what happens to a woman’s health both mentally and physically after having an abortion. People are led to believe abortion is safe, and that it will only fix your problems rather than create more or different problems. Research may suggest otherwise, and proposes that abortion can cause severe depression, breast cancer, and even death (Brind, 1996; Notman, 1976; Reardon, 2000). Abortion related depression can be caused for many different reasons. The three most common reasons for depression are guilt, shame, and anger. Breast cancer from abortion is believe to be caused by a hormone created at the start of a pregnancy which needs hormones created at the end of the pregnancy to fully develop them. Otherwise, these cells may turn into cancer cells. Large rises in suicidal, accidental, and natural deaths have been identified in women with a history of abortion. These are the three most dangerous consequences that can occur as a result of having an abortion (Brind, 1996; Notman, 1976; Reardon, 2000). Badgley (1977) observes two different studies on depression in Canada. The first is a study done in Saskatchewan that reported women with a history of abortion were almost twice as likely to have Women’s Health After Abortion a mental disorder as women who gave birth. The second, done in Alberta compared women with a history of abortion to the general population. This study found that twenty four percent of women with a history ofShow MoreRelatedAbortion: Cause and Effect1552 Words   |  7 PagesAftermath of an Abortion To have abortion or not is a very difficult choice to make. The final choice comes from religious and ethical beliefs. However, to have an abortion means to participate in a horrendous crime against humanity, God, and oneself. Abortion can also have deleterious effects on the mother’s health and well being. 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