Monday, September 30, 2019

Financial Management Essay

Introduction In this assignment I will be researching and discussing how to manage my own personal finances. For this I will have to research sources of income and write about different types of employment and unemployment. The affect these have on salaries and wages will also be investigated. I have also been asked to research and summarise allowances and benefits. As part of the management of my personal finances I must produce a personal budget over a specific period of time, on completion of this I will pair with a partner and discuss my findings. Task 3 Why is it important for me to manage my personal finance? * To help not to run out of money * Help me with budgeting * Scarce resource * Savings * Paying bills * Living alone * Managing money is skill Task 4 Jobseekers allowance Jobseekers allowance would be paid to me if I am eligible for it and looking for (seeking) work. I also would have to be age 16 or over to be able to receive jobseekers allowance. This source of income is relevant for me because I am over the age of 16, living on my own and I am currently looking for work. Income support Income support provides financial help for people ages 16 and over, who have low income or no money coming in at all. This money is for people who are not currently seeking work. This money is to help people with day to day living. Income support is relevant to me because this is the situation I am currently living in and I also receive income support myself. Child benefit Child benefit is parents that have children under the age of 16 or children under 19 in full time education. Child benefit is no longer relevant to me because I do not live will my mother any more. Housing benefit Housing benefit helps towards paying my rent which would be my local authority, but they don’t cover all my housing costs. Housing benefit is eligible to people who are renting a room or living in a hostel of sum sort. I can apply for this by just going down to my local authority office and filling in a housing benefit form. Working families’ Tax Credit Working Tax Credit is for people who are employed or self-employed, over the aged of 16 and are working at least 16 hours a week. They also have to have at least one child. In couples, one person has to choose who receives the tax credits. The amount of tax credits they receive will depend on their annual income. Tax credits are not relevant for me because I am not responsible for any children and I am not currently working. Task 5 When preparing for employment the documents I would need: * CV * Covering letter * Application form * National insurance number * Bank details * Qualification certificates * P45 (maybe not for me yet) CV I would need a CV so that the employers get a brief summary of my qualifications and experience to-date. It would include the school and college I have attended. It will also include my past work experience. My CV will now include that I have recently worked at Superdrug. My CV will also have my references. References are very important as the employers may want to contact the referees to confirm I have the qualifications for the job, and if I am reliable and trustworthy enough for the job. Covering letter A covering letter is needed because it is a part of the formal requirement. It will show the employer where I heard about the advert and why I feel I would be right for the job. Application form Application forms are used to help the employer to separate the good candidates from the not so good candidates. They are also used to find out about information and candidates background. National Insurance No. Every one that has the right to work in the UK has the right to a national insurance number once they reach the age of 16. The national insurance number will show what national insurance contributions the worker pays over the course of his/her working life and also the contribution employers have made. Bank details Bank details are required in order for the employer to give you your wages. Wages are now paid by direct transfer from the employer to the bank account of the employee. Qualification certificates Proof of GCSE’s and past qualifications are important because the employer will expect me to have certain right qualification in order to have the job. Superdrug have specific qualifications that are required, these are called essential qualifications. Task 6 Types of employment Self employment Being self employed is when you do not work for anyone else you have your own business. For example owning your own sweets shop is self employment. The income of the sweets shop will come from the customers who purchase the sweets. The income may also come from the bank if you borrow money. Freelance Freelancers are a different type of self employment. Instead of owning their own business they sell their services by working for different businesses. For example a freelance hair dresser would not have their own hairdressing business they would get to all kinds of other businesses and do hairdressing. Employee Employees are people who work for someone who controls what work they do. The employer is in charge of the employee’s income and deducts national insurance from the employee’s wages or salary. As long as they is someone handling your wages before you get them you are an employee. Task 8 Key points of each job Job title Retail manager Tasks to be carried out Retail managers are responsible for day to day running of department stores, chain stores, supermarkets and independent shops. They look after staff management, including taking on and training new staff, maintaining a good standard of customer care and increasing sales and profitability. Their duties usually include: * Making sure premises and displays are well maintained * Organising stock checking and re-ordering as necessary, through computerised or manual systems * Making sure targets are reached and all opportunities are taken to increase sales and profitability * Organising sales promotions * Recruiting, interviewing and training staff * Dealing with queries or complaints from customers Skills required A retail manager should: * Know the company’s products and procedures well * Be committed to providing a high standard of customer service * Be able to lead and motivate a team * Have good knowledge of legal an d security issues * Have relevant commercial skills for business Qualifications required There are no set academic requirements to work in retail, although employers may prefer employees to have at list five GCSE’s grades A-C and have some working experience in retail. Useful qualifications would include: * BTEC national reward in retail * OCR certificate in retail * BTEC Higher National Diploma in retail management * Degree in retail management Individual qualities required * Be confident, energetic and quick thinking * Have excellent spoken English and written communication skills * Be able to take responsibility and make decisions * Have a smart appearance * Be organised * Be able to deal effectively with problems and complaints Wage/salary Starting salaries are usually from around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½12,000 Experienced managers may earn from around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½15,000 to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½26,000 Managers of large stores may earn up to à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½65,000 or more. Job title Retail assistant Tasks to be carried out A retail assistant is responsible for making customers feel at ease when shopping and browsing around the store, directing them towards products and accepting payments. This job generally includes: * Restocking shelves and making sure merchandise is presented neatly * Greeting customers and answering enquiries about products * Operating computerised tills and barcode readers to scan items * Accepting payments for goods and wrapping them * Checking for stock items and ordering goods Skills required * To be accurate and thorough, even under pressure * To be trustworthy- they may be dealing with expensive products and large amounts of cash * To understand and follow company’s policies for health and safety and hygiene * Stamina, in order to serve on the shop floor for long periods Qualification required Employers set their own qualification requirements. But usually look for good communication skills, a pleasant personality and look for at least to two to four GCSE grades. Individual qualities required * Have an approachable, polite manner * Have good communication skills * Have a smart personal appearance * Enjoy providing a good level of customer service Wage/salary Starting salaries for a retail assistant is around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½9,000 a year An experienced retail assistant may earn around à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½11,500 a year. Task 9 Why I think I am suitable for each job Retail assistant I think that I am suitable to work as a retail assistant because I have relevant experience within the retail industry. I have recently completed a 2 week work placement at Superdrug which is in the retail sector. During this period I was privileged to be responsible for replenishing stock, providing customer advice and keeping the shop floor tidy. This placement enabled me to develop vital skills such as team working, numeracy and customer service skills which are all needed in order to become a successful retail assistant. This work placement was a part of my BTEC introductory business coarse this qualification will also enable me to qualify to work as retail assistant. Retail manager I am qualified to work in the retail sector as a retail assistant but in order to qualify as a retail manager I would have to finish my BTEC introductory coarse and then go on to study for three more years to receive a BTEC national certificate in business. After this I would then need to go and study a degree in retail management in order to qualify for this job. I have good interpersonal and communication skills and while on my work experience I enjoyed providing good customer service these skills would help me with working toward becoming a retail manager. Retail managers are responsible for day to day running of department stores, chain stores, supermarkets and independent shops this may include Organising sales promotions and recruiting, interviewing and training staff. Task 10 Wage/salary deductions Gross pay Gross pay the amount of money an employee earns before any deductions are made such as tax or national insurance. Net pay Net pay is the money employees actually get for them to spend. National insurance contributions National insurance contributions is an amount of money that the employee has to pay towards there employers this is deducted by the employer from the employees wages. If you are self employed you also have to pay national insurance contribution, this is a small monthly payment and then a lump sum at the end of the year. National insurance code National insurance codes indicate an employee’s marital status and how long an employee has been working. Income tax There is a certain amount of money that every body is allowed to earn before they have to pay income tax, this is called personal tax allowances currently for people under the age of 65 this is à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½5,225 a year. If you earn any more than this you will have to pay income tax, how much you pay will depend on how much money you earn. Pensions/superannuation Pensions are long time investments that are designed to provide you with money in your old age when you are not able to work any more. The earlier you start your pension the more you get when you retire. Employees are usually offered a pension scheme when the start there job. The employer pays a contribution to your pension fund and so does the employee this is deducted out of the employee’s wages before it get to them. Union subscriptions A union is a large group of workers in a particular industry or profession. Unions provide benefits such as legal advice and can also provide support in cases of unfair treatment or dismissal. To subscribe employees would have to pay fees this is sometimes deducted from the employees wages before it is received or the employee can pay the fees themselves but it is not compulsory. Task 11 Allowances and Benefits Housing benefit Housing benefit helps towards paying my rent which would be my local authority, but they don’t cover all my housing costs. Housing benefit is eligible to people who are renting a room or living in a hostel of sum sort. I can apply for this by just going down to my local authority office and filling in a housing benefit form. This benefits me because its helps me to save money gives me more money to spend on more important things. Council tax Council tax is an amount of money you pay if you are renting out a council property or of you have you own property with a certain amount of people living in there. Council tax paid to pay the council for giving you their service of letting you live in their property and council tax also pay for things like people cleaning the streets. Interest from savings Interest from savings is when you put money into the bank or a financial institution and earn extra money on top. This is called interest. When you get interest you have to pay income tax on that interest, the bank usually deducts the tax before pay the interest. This benefits me because I regularly put savings into my bank account. Inherited money Most people decide to leave money to their relatives when they die, this is called inheritance. Inheritance could be a small or large amount of money and it may be necessary to pay inheritance tax on it. Borrowed money Borrowed money is anything from a loan to a bank overdraft. Money can also be borrowed from a relative or close friend in this case the money you have borrowed is the money you pay back. If you take out a loan or overdraft which is quit a large amount of money this usually involves paying back the money monthly and each month interest is added on top of the money that you are paying. This result in you paying more that you actually took in the first place, it is much wiser that you save your money for whatever you want to get therefore you will earn interest on your money rather that earning it. Working Families Tax Credit Working families’ tax credits is for people who have at least one child under the age of 16 or 19 in full time education and earn an income which is below a certain level. The person has to be working at least 16 hours a week and must have savings below à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½8000. this does not apply to me as I am not eligible for this because I have no children. Task 14 Explanation of how I planned my personal finances Spend or save As soon as I receive my money I spend it on things that I need such as food shopping and rent. Any money left over would get spent on the gym and my mobile phone then the rest would get put aside as my savings. Gambling Gambling is when you pay money hoping for a chance of winning more money. Doing this is dangerous because you are not guaranteed your money. Gambling is very addictive and if done regularly this could put you into debt that why I choose not to go down this road. Spending habits When I receive my money on a weekly basis I try and spend as little as possible on food shopping so that I have money left over for myself to spend on small luxuries for example a meal out with my friends. I sometimes tend to spend too much on luxuries and this sometimes gets me into problems but I always have someone at hand to help me. Money and lifestyle At the moment the amount of money I receive doesn’t allow me to have the best of lifestyles but it is enough to put clothes on my back and to buy me shopping every week. To achieve the lifestyle I want I would need to find at least a part time job so I can earn more money than I’m getting now. My expectations of work and money As long as I have enough money to buy me some food and to pay the rent I am ok for the moment. But I would like a bit more than that for example going on holidays and buying the latest clothing. To do this I would need to find a job and also make sure that I handle my personal finances correctly and do some budgeting for these luxuries. Short term accounts Every week I receive my income support into my bank account. I am currently using a current account all my bills are paid out of this account and all my Ema payment come into this account. I also have a short term savings account which I put money into every week. I use this account when I run out of money or need to pay for something important e.g. phone bill. Long term accounts A long term savings account is an account that allows you to build up interest on money that you are saving over a number of years. An example could be an ISA, this is an individual savings account because it is tax free provided the amount saved each year doesn’t exceed à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½3,000. The interest is cumulative which means the amount of interest plus capital will increase year on year. Another example of a long term account is a bank loan. A bank loan is usually drawn over a long period. This is a lump sum of money that I borrowed from the bank and paid off over a long period of time. For example a mortgage is paid over a period of 25 years. Cheque book A cheque is a promise to pay someone in place of cash. When you are writing a cheque you write down exactly how much you are going to pay the person. The person then takes the cheque to the bank and waits for it to clear this takes between 3-5 days. It is important to make sure that you have the right amount of money in your bank so you don’t go into debt. It is also important to keep a record of any cheques that have been written, this can be done by using stubs which are left in the cheque book after you tear it out to pay someone. The stubs are there so that you can note down the details of the cheque and will help keep track of your money. Credit cards A credit card is a card that you can use to pay for items of clothing or products. This card however gives you money on it but you have to pay it back you are also given a credit limit. To avoid spending more money than you actually have you should usually pay back the money within a month if the money is paid after this you will be charged interest. If you go over the limit that the company has given you interest will also be added. Also you can check how much money you are spending by checking a mini statement that you can get from a cash point. Debit cards Debit cards are cards that have your own money that you put on to the card. You can use this card to purchase virtually anything but instead of having a credit limit of borrowed money you are actually using your own money to purchase goods. A debit card allows you to take cash out of ATMs if you have enough money in your account. To see how much funds you have in your account through an ATM you are given a pin number by your bank to memorise this then allows you to draw cash from the machines and purchase items in shops. To check that no-one is stealing from you or to make sure you are not spending more money than your supposed to it is good to check your bank statement each month these are sent to you by your bank. The bank statement show how much money you had in your account originally, then show all payments that were taken out of that money. You can then check if there are any payments that you are unsure of or if any mistakes were made in you transactions. Paying bills Bills can be paid using direct debit or standing orders. This is when you money is taken out of you account and paid to a business for example, BT telephone company at the same time every month. This can help with budgeting, as you will know how much money is going out every month. To check that you are not paying out more than you’re supposed to you can check the phone bill you receive every month. Remaining in credit It is important to manage your account carefully to ensure you stay in credit. You must make sure that when you making payments such as cheques and debit cards you have enough money to make those payments. If not you account will go in to debt and you will be charged fines for doing this, it will also build up a bad credit rating which will make it hard for you to get a mortgage or a credit card in the future. Task 16 Summary of holiday budget activity Why do you think it is important to manage your personal finances? I think it is important for me to manage my finances because it helps me to pay all my bills on time without getting into to debt. It also allows me to put money aside for unexpected emergencies. Managing my personal finances is a very important skill. This skill is extremely important if I would like to start my own business or borrow money from a bank. Managing my money correctly will enable me to live quiet a prosperous life in the long run. Did you find it easy or difficult to manage the finances given in exercises? – give reasons I found managing finances quiet hard because you have to keep track of the money coming out of my income every week and there were a lot of different bills to pay and they were all different amounts. I also had to keep track of my spending at the same time to make sure that I didn’t get into debt this was really difficult because you can get carried away when your sending your money on luxuries. After all that I have to calculate the total regular expenditure and then work out if I had any money left over to put aside as savings, overall this task was very challenging but it taught me a lot about how to manage my own finances. What did you learn from the exercise on budgeting over a period of time? From doing the budgeting exercise I learnt that saving the little scraps of money here and there builds up into to something big. Also cutting down on luxuries also helps in the long run because the money you have saved enables you to get those luxuries if you just give time. This budgeting exercise also taught me how to calculate my net cash flow which I previously did not know how to do. I also learnt that budgeting is important for everyone because it stop many people from getting into to debt and also helps them to save considerable amount of money. Bibliography BTEC introduction business-published by Heinemann in 2005 Heinemann Educational Publishers Halley Court, Jordan Hill, Oxford OX2 8EJ ISBN 978 0 435401 21 4 John Ruskin college intranet site Unit 6 Financial Management

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Knowledge Management Importance In Organisations Commerce Essay

In today competitory environment, the cognition direction is significantly become more importance in many administrations. Harmonizing to Chaffey ( 2007, p.486 ) define that cognition direction is the direction of activities and procedures for leveraging cognition to heighten fight through better usage and creative activity of single and corporate cognition resources. Knowledge can be divided into two different types which is expressed cognition and tacit cognition. Therefore, cognition is an of import resource in nowadays modern administration. Consequently, the beginning of cognition is uniqueness and hard imitate by the rivals.Industry analysisIn this age of globalization, cognition acquisition has become the critical agencies for acquisition competitory advantageIn this age of globalization cognitionacquisition has become the critical agencies for deriving competitory advantage, and assuch acquisition has become a important component of cognition acquisition, application andcreative activity ( Longworth and Davies, 1996 ) . The widespread proliferation of cyberspaceengineerings and applications provides unbelievable chances for the bringing ofinstruction and preparation, and with quickly increasing internet use e-learning has nowgo a portable and flexible new method for scholars to derive indispensable cognition ( ching, Lee, factors influence the acceptance of e-learning system )The forces of engineering, globalization and emerging cognitio n economic system are making a revolution that is coercing administrations to seek for new ways like implement cognition direction at the administration in order to vie with the rival. 2 ) Current usage of cognition direction in the Higher instruction industry Nowadays, higher instruction is face challenges in the competitory environment. Therefore, utilizing cognition direction techniques and engineerings in the higher instruction is critical because higher instruction is in the corporate sector. If the higher instruction can implement knowledge direction efficaciously, it can take to better decision-making capablenesss, better faculty members and administrative services, reduced cost and others. ( Kidwell, Linde and Johnson, 2000, p.31 ) Consequently, cognition direction is one of the good direction tools in today ‘s cognition based society.2.1 ) Knowledge direction in Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics ( MESI )Harmonizing to Tikhomirova, Gritsenko and Pechenkin ( 2008, p.16 ) province that Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics ( MESI ) is one of the taking research and educational Centres in the field of economic sciences, mathematics, statistic, IT and direction wholly over the Russia and Commonwealth Independent State ( CIS ) states. Furthermore, MESI is founded in 1932 and is an advanced educational and scientific composite, with 50 subdivision constitutions, 117 representatives ‘ offices and more than 200 regional spouses in Russia, CIS and other states. In add-on, MESI besides acknowledged as a leader in the development and execution of the latest preparation methods and advanced engineerings of E-learning. Presents, the higher instruction is recognized to be in the cognition concern and bit by bit more open to market place force per unit areas in a similar manner to other concern all over the universe. ( Rowley, 2000, p.325 ) Thus, many instruction administrations is late begun to recognize the importance of those alterations and besides get down to implement the cognition direction to the administration. For case, based on the Tikhomirova, Gritsenko and Pechenkin ( 2008, p.16 ) province that MESI is one of the instruction administration are have several cognition direction initiatives that the University can put to death like through making cognition direction research centres ; making cognition direction subjects, and implement it in a university course of study ; opening cognition direction larning plans on each degree like certification, unmarried man, maestro and PhD degrees ; implementing cognition direction Initiatives in the University ‘s procedures and forming external c onsultancy services for authorities and private administrations. Consequently, all of these enterprises has undertaken by the MESI. Furthermore, â€Å" MESI ‘s aims are to better coaction with authorities and concern ; want to increase quality, effectivity, efficiency and inventions. In add-on, MESI ‘s ends are want to do the University knowledge resources relevant, transparent, systematic, accessible and useable. Finally, the MESI is wanted to accomplish powerful competitory advantages † . ( Tikhomirova, Gritsenko and Pechenkin, 2008, p.16 )2.1.1 ) Quality direction system ( QMS )Harmonizing to CERCO Working Group on Quality ( 2000, p.7 ) define that Quality Management System ( QMS ) as a managing construction, duties, procedures, processs, and direction resources to implement the rules and action lines needed in order to accomplish the quality aims of an administration. Therefore, Tikhomirova, Gritsenko and Pechenkin ( 2008, p.17 ) province that MESI besides hav e implemented the QMS which is certified in conformity with the ISO 9001:2000. The execution of QMS constructs in this University is affecting leading, procedure, systematic attack, client orientation and others. Therefore, all of this QMS constructs are lays the footing for planned cognition direction enterprises to the University. In add-on, this QMS constructs implement by the University is really a system for demands ‘ designation and fulfillment, addresses the demands of internal and external stakeholders, employers, internal interested parties like module and employees and others. Furthermore, QMS besides support the international demand for research and quality instruction. Consequently, from the QMS construct, it seen the cognition is an of import plus for the MESI to leverage throughout the whole university system ( Tikhomirova, Gritsenko and Pechenkin, 2008, p.17 ) Furthermore, there is holding other cognition direction reenforcing elements embedded in go outing QMS attacks which is the MESI ‘s system of Strategic and Operational Management Planning are back uping the cognition plans all over the strategic program, quality policy and ends. ( Tikhomirova, Gritsenko and Pechenkin,2008, p.17 ) This strategic planning of University can be view in appendix 1. Therefore, through use this strategic planning, the MESI conducts it every six months, both an internal and external rating of its scheme, visions and ends, in conformity with an internal Rules of Procedure. Beside this, it is a self-assessment of each chief procedure and end product. Furthermore, this strategic planning besides is a system for monitoring, reexamining and analysis of demands, sentiments and attitudes of employers and end-user like pupil, alumnus pupil and others. ( Tikhomirova, Gritsenko and Pechenkin, 2008, p.17 ) Consequently, the developed service of selling and monito ring is used for this intent. Thus, based on Davidson and Voss ( 2002, p.149 ) province that cognition is understood to be a strategic resource and system are in topographic point to attest that the administration can calculate its hereafter cognition demands. As a consequence, strategic planning is an of import tool for the University and it can supply benefit to the MESI which have betterment the countries of technological substructure, pupil services, plan bringing, institutional and executive committedness, fiscal wellness, and others.2.1.2 ) the cardinal Realms of Knowledge ManagementHarmonizing to Petrides and Nodine ( 2003, p. 10 ) describe that three core organizational resources in the cognition direction is involve procedures, people and engineerings. Hence, this three constituent can take the administration to utilize and portion information more efficaciously. ) Procedure, People, TechnologyHowever, harmonizing to Tikhomirova, Gritsenko and Pechenkin ( 2008, p.18 ) province that MESI operates the university ‘s concern activities and maps by using a procedure theoretical account. This procedure theoretical account can see in appendix 2. Through the diagram from appendix 2, the MESI ‘s procedure theoretical account has an proprietor and chiseled ends. In add-on, every basic procedure are described and translated in the ordinance paperss of MESI. Therefore, this is a cognition sharing in the University because each of the module and employee besides can entree the information through the university corporate portal. Therefore, for each procedure, this will affect the people like staff, clients, spouses and rivals. Furthermore, MESI besides continually undertake reengineering as a effect of feedback and analysis. Therefore, this procedure theoretical account can steer the MESI to implement the cognition direction more effectual. Beside this, from the MESI ‘s procedure theoretical account, it can supply the appropriate cognition direction tools and engineerings to the system. So, this is involve the engineering in the university when implement the cognition direction. Consequently, this is the chief thought of a systematic attack to knowledge direction execution is incorporating the cognition direction rhythm to each concern procedure. Last, the cognition momAppendixsAppendix 1: Strategic Planning of UniversityBeginnings: appendix 1 adapted from Natatya Tikhomirova, Anatoly Gritsenko and Alexander Pechenkin ( 2008, p.18 )Appendix 2: MESI procedure theoretical accountBeginnings: appendix 2 adapted from Natatya Tikhomirova, Anatoly Gritsenko and Alexander Pechenkin ( 2008, p.19 )

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Pathophysiology of Malabsorption Syndrome (at the cellullar, tissue Research Paper

Pathophysiology of Malabsorption Syndrome (at the cellullar, tissue and organ level) - Research Paper Example And lastly the transport system of these necessary elements can be affected because of which these nutrients would not be going inside. At the cellular level the malabsorption syndrome can occur due to destruction of cells of pancreas or liver which would produce the necessary juices for the digestion of nutrients. The primary mucosal cell abnormalities can cause deficiency in the transport system of the nutrients. Bacteria can overgrow in these mucosal cells which can cause deficiency of the necessary nutrients. Individuals with Malabsorption syndrome would commonly show signs of diarrhoea, flatus and pain in abdomen. This would be generally seen in individuals who have excessive secretion of intestinal juices. Similarly the hematopoetic system of that individual would also be affected because of the lack of nutrients. Lack of red blood cells and bleeding can occur at such instances. The endocrine system can also be affected of the individual through lack of the nutrients required for hormones. Calcium levels can be affected because of lack of Vitamin D and this can further lead to hyperparathyroidism. Individuals with Malabsorption syndromes show problems with their epidermis and skin because of lack of nutrients required for the development of skin. Nervous system is also affected in this syndrome such as in the deficiency of Vitamin A and B12. The treatment for malabsorption Syndrome depends on the exact cause of the disease. That is if the intraluminal digestion is affected then the exact cause of that defect should be discovered first. If a nutrient is deficient in the body it would be given orally or intravenously to the patient. Enzyme deficiencies can be tackled with treatment from oral or injected enzymes. Similarly the growth of bacteria in the cells can also be stopped by giving antibiotics. Some examples of Malabsorption syndrome are pancreatitis,

Friday, September 27, 2019

Organization Behavior Case Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Organization Behavior Case - Research Paper Example It is very important to keep the people working in your organization motivated and satisfied all the time. Having good relation with your labor is one very important thing if you want your business to enjoy a good financial situation. In this case the Southwest Airlines had to face a lot of problems and crisis as a result of its CEO being ignorant to developing good relations with the labor. The company was in big crisis and had lost its strong financial position. Moreover under the leadership of Kelleher the company gained back its financial success as the main focus of this CEO was to address the issues related to labor as early as possible and he knew the importance of these relations. Introduction to the issue The main issue with the Southwest Airlines was that it lacked an appropriate leadership style that would best fit the company. In the decade when the company was facing problems and crisis the main problem was that it lost a good relationship and a factor of trust between t he employees, labor and the top management. A leader in true sense is someone who leads his followers along the way or path towards their goals and objectives (Blanchard & Hersey, 2008). Leadership is the characteristic that will enable a person to inspire group of people to realize common interest or goal (Judge and Robbins, 2010). The base of any organization rests on the philosophy, vision, goals and values of the management. As a result this drives the culture of the organization that is made up of the formal, informal and social environment of the organization.... Trust is based on two things mainly that are familiarity and risk. Trust has a lot of dimensions mainly like integrity, competence, consistency, loyalty and openness etc. Integrity relates to things like truthfulness and honesty, competence means the interpersonal and technical knowledge and skills, consistency relates to predictability, good judgment and reliability under various situations, loyalty means the willingness to safeguard and protect face for any other person and openness relates to the reliance on someone else to provide you the truth in full (Scott, 2008). There are three types of trusts that employees in your company can experience with you. One is deterrence or fear of punishment based trust, the other is identification or trust based on mutual understanding, appreciation for other people’s desires and wants, and the knowledge based or behavioral predictability based trust that roots back to the interaction history. At Southwest Airlines under Parker’s leadership the basic issue was that the trust was deterrence based. It means that the trust was just there as he was the CEO of the company and the employees feared punishment and were forced to trust Parker whereas they dint not like his leadership style at all. As it is evident from the information provided that the previous CEOs and the current CEO of Southwest Airline are more people oriented. This type of approach develops trustworthy bond between the employees and its top management. As it is found out by various researches that mistrust eliminates the trust factor and leads to reduced productivity. So the failure to develop trust was one of the major

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Corruption and Multi-National Corporations Essay

Corruption and Multi-National Corporations - Essay Example Legally, facilitation payment is not allowed in the United Kingdom. However, it is allowed legally to certain extent in the United States (Special Cases, 2009). The issue of facilitation payment becomes specially challenging when doing business with a foreign country. The laws in a different country may or may not be similar to those your own country. Hence, this issue has to be studied clearly and carefully before deciding on its legal implications. Multi-national corporations operate in different countries all over the world. So it is not possible for them to work under one set of rules. Their memorandum of association must tally with the laws and customs of the host countries. They also have to do business with customers in the host countries as well as overseas. This makes the situation of facilitation payments more complicated if flexibility is not maintained (Special Cases, 2009). Research show that majority of multi-nationals have indulged in facilitation payments although they same majority would prefer not to make these payments. This is a catch-22 situation with the giver and taker harboring guilty conscience and yet performing the act in the larger interest of business (Gordon, Kathryn and Miyake, Maiko; 2001, p3) "Bribes can come in all sizes. ... ch-22 situation with the giver and taker harboring guilty conscience and yet performing the act in the larger interest of business (Gordon, Kathryn and Miyake, Maiko; 2001, p3) "Bribes can come in all sizes. The media likes to highlight the more flagrant examples, but the smaller, everyday forms often go undetected. In the past, governments have overlooked facilitation payments. Western lawmakers assumed that such payments were simply unavoidable, a necessary part of doing business abroad" (Wrage, Alexandra; 2009). Nonetheless, the issue does not stop at that. Time and again, facilitation payments have reached the courts and resulted in destabilizing outcomes. Daewoo is an example of a major multi-national firm collapsing owing to financial irregularities (Daewoo corruption scandal deepens, 2001). However, facilitation payments continue to be made the world over. How do these payments reflect in the eyes of the law Morally, facilitation payments, whether big or small, are wrong. But these payments are given and received in different and ambiguous ways and bypass the law. They may simply be given under the nomenclature of a gift or in the form of entertainment. International businesses have accepted it as a necessary evil. And it does appear that it is prospected to stay this way for a very long time to come (D'Ascenzo, Michael; 2008). By and large, in most countries, facilitation payments are tolerated if the sum involved is small. Nobody is inclined to run to the courts on small amounts spent on getting business. However, it is large facilitation amounts that can cause trouble. Large amounts not only cause legal hassles, they can even destabilize the concerned corporation. It is not healthy for large corporations to be paying out large facilitation amounts as these

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Global Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Global Economics - Essay Example Such was the case that by the end of 2002, a trend of account deficit has been established with statistics citing that foreign direct investment leads the US investment abroad by $2,387 billion. (Bureau of Economic Analysis) The lead has the tradition of roughly doubling year after year. â€Å"Attracted by the prospect of higher yields, foreigners channel their savings into the United States and fill the growing wedge between domestic investment and savings. In the process, aggregate demand also expands, causing the current account deficit to widen.† (Humpage 2004) We cite a specific example: During 1990s, â€Å"three interrelated factors are primarily responsible for most of the decline in the current-account balance since 1991. One was the relatively rapid growth of income in the United States compared with that in other major industrialized countries over most of the period. Another important factor was a surge in foreign demand for dollar assets in the late 1990s, which contributed to a higher dollar exchange rate and lower U.S. interest rates. Finally, a drop in the national saving rate owing to a rising federal deficit has helped push the current-account balance lower since 2001.† (CBO, 2004) The current account deficit poses a problem in several ways. One of the biggest consequences here is the idea that foreign investors and savers have established a significant financial claim on the United States and its domestic resources. (Allen, p. 145) In equal gravity, â€Å"the United States has slipped – suddenly and dramatically – from being the world’s largest creditor country to being the world’s largest debtor.† (Bryant and Holtham, p. 57) On a more specific note, Bryant and Holtham illustrated that with regards to merchandise trade deficit, there is a threat of recession when there is an excess of imports over exports as it significantly drags down the economy. By the end of 2006 it is projected that

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Comprehensive Classroom Technology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Comprehensive Classroom Technology - Essay Example The initial step in implementing a comprehensive classroom technology plan involves identifying the resources available an individual. These include academic games that could be available for every core subject at every grade level. In addition, one could have available digital devices, classroom online tutoring access, and projectors that use either SMART boards or screens. Finally, another resource that teachers can take advantage, involves the ability to perform student assessments to be completed using computer software in formative and summative form. The following step in the comprehensive classroom technology plan involves the establishment of a communication plan. The teacher will be required to have a communication plan that is established in order for parents, members of the school’s academic community, and students have the capability of communicating among themselves. For instance, the teacher can implement a communication plan through the creation of a class websi te that suits the purpose. In this website, the teacher can have class page with separate links for all students in his/her class, as well as links for parents. In addition, the teacher should provide a personalized password for every link to ensure that the privacy and integrity of each user is maintained. Lastly, the teacher is capable of saving parents’ contact information for emergency purposes. The next step in the teacher’s comprehensive classroom technology plan involves the implementation of internet security within their classroom. Through the internet, teachers have accessed wonderful learning tools, although this has also come with risks and ethical concerns regarding its use for students in every grade. The World Wide Web has provided the opportunity for inappropriate, unsafe, and even illegal behavior for students across the grades. It is essential that students be taught critical thinking skills and knowledge that is needed in order to become responsible users of the internet. Internet security in the classroom can be implemented in two major ways that require the school to provide classes or training for internet security. These training sessions should also be available for the students’ parents. In these sessions, the students would be taught about the proper use of the internet, ethical issues, and internet safety. In addition, the students would be required to know how to maintain the integrity of their passwords. Internet security training could also address copyright violations and wrong use of intellectual property. A class User Agreement would turn out to be a preferable starting point, it would specify the activities that are acceptable and those internet practices that threaten internet security and ethics. Finally, in order to implement a successful comprehensive classroom technology plan, the teacher would need to use this technology to assess his/her students. They can use technology to develop assignments, in a ddition to using, it as a tool for collaboration, problem solving, and inquiry, which makes it an integral part of the learning process, as an alternative of an isolated part of the school’s curriculum. Because the available technology for students and teachers is vast, both formative and summative assessments are possible. It should also be required, of the students, to use technology when doing their personal work.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Key Messaging Template for clients audience clientfamily connections Research Paper

Key Messaging Template for clients audience clientfamily connections LCC - Research Paper Example However, any protection should not obscure the main objective, which should be to ensure the safety and positive development of children at all levels (Partland, 2012). The love and natural instinct you have for your children should not be limited to your control alone. There are many other entities like childcare providers, concerned citizens, and the government that are keen to help you provide the best for your children. Childcare is a challenging job that requires the utmost dedication, passion, and commitment. You can collaborate with us so that we support each other in our duties. Such collaboration can include providing feedback and insights on training, and actively participating in the training of childcare employees. You are encouraged to identify areas of weaknesses in training and to propose remedial measures to improve the quality and effectiveness of our services (Family Connections, 2015c). You can also contribute financially to the provision of childcare services and therefore ensure that your children receive the best care possible. Finally, parents who are knowledgeable in childcare (e.g., nurses and developmental psychologists) are encouraged to apply for training positions in our organizations so that you improve the overall level of services. Childcare services are often funded by the government, the private sector, or donors. Of the three, donors have been identified as having the greatest potential to improve childcare services. This is evident in their level of commitment to and focus on, quality and effective childcare services. When it comes to training of childcare services, you have numerous avenues through which you can impact childcare services (Family Connections, 2015b). First, you can provide more funds to governments and the private sector to facilitate the expansion and enhancement of training activities. You can also fund childcare providers directly instead of using intermediaries like the government

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Simulation of Sales Promotions towards Buying Behavior Essay Example for Free

Simulation of Sales Promotions towards Buying Behavior Essay Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of sales promotion on buying behavior among university students. Specifically, Kongunadu Arts and Science College was chosen as study location. The research data was collected from 171 respondents. The data were collected using self-administrated questionnaires. This study found that there was no significant difference between gender and buying behavior (t = -1.003, p 0.05). There were significant relationship between attitude towards price discounts (r = 0. 372, p 0.01), coupons (r = 0.270, p 0.01), free samples (r = 0.256, p 0.01) and buy-one-get-one-free (r = 0.338, p 0.01) with buying behavior. Results of Hierarchical Multiple Regression found that of the four variables, price discount (ß = 0.256) was more influential that of buy-one-get-one free (ß = 0.183), coupon discounts (ß = 0.014) and free samples (ß = 0.040). The findings of this study would help marketers to understand the types of promotion that significantly influence buying behaviour of the respondents. Hence, this could help marketers in their marketing planning to become more competitive and gain profit. Keywords: Sales promotion. Buying behavior. University students 1. Background of Study Many purchase situations are so habitual that consumers conduct very little cognitive activity (Wathieu Murre, 2007). In such cases, it is hard to motivate behaviors such as brand svwtching or increases in the number of units purchased. One of the advantages of promotions is that they can stimulate consumers to think and evaluate brands and purchase possibilities when they otherwise may not have. Therefore, many marketers and retailers utilize different kinds of promotion tools and strategies in order to understand the preference of consumers and boost their sales. Normally, sales may attract more customers spend their money, make consumption and purchase the products they wish during this super save period as the they believed that during the sales promotion, prices of all products are cheaper than usual. This phenomenon shows that some of the consumers are easily tempted when they see the word of sales promotion. Other than price reductions, coupon or rebate given by the retailer and other promotional tools like free sample, bonus pack and buy one get one free were found to be inducing consumer buy more than they expect (Gilbert, 1999). What are more crucial now are consumers themselves not aware the influence of sales promotion on their buying behaviour and especially little is understood about their responds to the various promotional strategies practice by marketers. This will eventually lead to over-consuming and buy the products which are not necessary and useless. 2. Purpose and Significant of Study Research on marketing tools is indeed important to understand the most influencing tools to compete with competitors. Through this information, marketers and retailers could well plan their resources to gain the maxiirium profit. Thus this study aim to investigate the preference of consumer on different promotional tools, marketers and retailers will able to aware of the consumer behavior so that they can utilize the right and th most effective promotion technique to attract customers. From the consumer perspective, this study will reveal the consumer attitude toward sales promotion and thus raise the awareness of consumers about their behavior that influenced by sales promotion. It also presents better understanding and information to consumers where their purchase behavior will be affected differently due to different type of promotional tools. 3. Literature Review Promotion is one of the techniques to attract consumers to purchase more or try a product or service. Severe outcomes of promotion included sales increased, quantify of stock used and attract new consumers. For example, price promotion refers to temporary price reduction which offers to consumers. The characteristic is the retailer would label a specific percentage or cash saving for the products or services. Previous studies indicated that a sudden increase of sales would experience by retailers because of price-conscious of consumers (Banks Moorthy, 1999; Kopalle Mela, 1999; Smith Sinha, 2000; Gilbert Jackaria, 2002). According to Blackwell, Miniard and Engel (2001), price discounts played significant roles in influencing consumer product trial behavior by which indirectly attract new consumer. In term of coupon promotions, those consumers obtained coupon are entitled to get discount of the products at its brighial price (Ndubisi Chew, 2006). Previous study found that coupon promotions do not have significant effect on volume of product purchase by consumer (Gilbert Jackarias, 2002). Later, a study conducted by Ndubisi and Chew (2006) at Malaysia has re-affirmed the statement by Gilbert and Jackarias (2002). They also reported that coupon promotion was among the least used and unpopular promotional tools by consumers. However, the results in Dotsons (2001) research proved that women report being more likely to use only coupons than men (p 0.05) and the youngest age group (less than 25 years old) reports a higher possibilify of taking advantage of bonus packs (p 0.05), price deals (p 0.05) and samples (p 0.05) than the age group of 35 to 54 respectively. According to Kardes (1999), marketing managers aware of product trial related to behavioral experience of consumers towards a product. Thus, sending free sample take place in promotional tools. Free samples refers to consumers are giving a free small sample of the product so that consumers have the chance to try and use the product. Shimp (2003) reported that a free sample had influence on consumers buying behavior while Gilbert and Jackaria (2002) have shown otherwise. Free sample was positively related to immediate sales of that particular (Lammers, 1991). Promotion technique of buy-one-get-one-free is one of the types of bonus packs in which the consumers are offered the additional product at the ordinary price but are in an enhanced package. Consumer would be easily persuaded to buy products as there is no extra cost need and more valuable perceived by consumers (Sinha Smith, 2000). Besides, this promotion technique would beneficial to retailers in speed up the stock clearance compared to price promotions (Li, Sun Wang, 2007). Relating with buying behavior, consumers usually have endless demand to ftilfiU their needs and satisfaction to obtain something new or better as every individual has their own behavior, attitude and thought while choosing products, services and making purchase decision. Consequently, there is a large body of literattire, which has examined consumers buying behavior and the studies have reported that many factor would infiuence consumer behavior whether buy or not to buy a product. According to Smelser and Baltes (2001), most of the daily life activities dominated by buying goods behavior and also experience which gained from the place such as shopping centers, cify centre, shops, recreational park, tourism centre and so on, where some stimulation radius can be stimulated. William (2002) revealed that social class has significant determination on purchase evaluation criteria. Attitude formation, motivation, value orientation, income, socialization during childhood and education levels will influence ones social class. According to Yip (2003), social class of an individual indirectly shows that low income would cause limited choice when making purchase decisions. High purchasing power, sales person and sales circumstances was among three key factors which influenced impulsive clothes buying practice among women consumer (Naimah Tan, 1999). 4. Methodology For the convinence of the researchers Kongunadu College of Arts and Science was selected as location of study. The data collection process was conducted among the students with prior permission from the department. Even though this small sample might not able to representative of all the population, it is considered as appropriate sampling because of using a relatively homogeneous group and this is helpful to minimize random error that might occur in using a heterogeneous sample such as the general public (Calder, Philips Tybout, 1981). Pilot study had been done before the actual study take place. The purpose of pilot study was to assess the reliability of the instruments that used in actual study. For this research, the pilot test had involved a total of 25 students in order to ensure that the question were understandable by the actual respondents. In addition, pre-test allowed the researcher to improve confidence and to make sure that the items that existed in questionnaire was suiting the studys requirement. 4.1 Instrumentation The present study used the questionnaire as the instrument of the study. The questionnaire was divided into three parts that were background of the respondents, the respondents attitude and perception with regards to different promotional tools and buying behaviour of respondents. In first part of questionnaire, each respondent was asked to answer both open-ended and close-ended questions. Open-ended questions allowed respondents to generate an answer without limitations such as age and family monthly income. On the other hand, close-ended questions required respondents to select from a set of answer already provided such as gender and race. Second part of the questionnaire was consisted of thirty two items where each different promotional tool was measured using eight items. The items developed to determine respondents attitude towards different promotional tools. There were four different promotional tools tested (i.e., price discounts, coupons, free samples and buy-one-get-one-fre e). Respondents were required to give a respond on a four point ordinal scale (strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree). The last of the questionnaire was also used four points ordinal scale (strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree) where there were thirteen items measuring the consumers buying behaviour, adopted from Bakeweà ¼ and Mitchell study. In the addition, the responses are given from one point in one end to four points in the other end. The Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 16.0 was used to analyze data. For analytical purposes, each scale of the total attitude score (price discounts, coupon discount, free samples and buy-one-get-one-free approach) were categorized into two categorized, solely based on the mean score of each measurement. The reliability for attitude towards price discounts scale was 0.752 while the reliabiliy of attitude towards coupons scale was 0.827. Furthermore, the reliability for attitude towards free samples scale was 0.862 and the reliabiliy for attitude towards buy-one-get-one-free scale was 0.806. Buying behaviour scale had achieved reliability of 0.680. These five instruments had achieved acceptable reliability for business and social science research. 5. Research Finding and Discussion 5.1 Attitude towards Price Discounts Table 1 demonstrates that more than half of the respondents agree that they prefer brands which offer price discounts, but more than half of the respondents prefer their favourite brands than brands which offer price discounts. This study also interested in indentifying about the category of attitude towards price discounts. The scale of the total attitude towards price discounts was then categorized into two equal groups. Respondents who scored above the mean scale (2.56 points) were categorized as having favourable attitude towards price discounts and respondents who scored below of the mean scale were categorized as having unfavourable attitude towards price discounts. Table 1 showed that less than half of the respondents (40.4%) had unfavourable attitude towards price discounts, where as there were 69.0% of the respondents have favourable attitude towards price discounts. 5.2 Attitude towards Coupons Table 1 indicated that the first statement was agreed by most of the respondents which were 53.2%. They acknowledged that a brand offers coupon would be a reason for them to buy. The respondents feel that a brand which offers coupon doesn’t give them a good buy (56.1%). Respondents do not give priority for the brands which offers coupon and they prefer their regular and favourite brands more. The data in Table 3 showed that the score of total attitude towards coupons of the respondents in range of lower than 2.44 points which were 49.7% of the respondents have unfavourable attitude towards coupons. On the other hand, there was 50.3% of the respondents have favourable attitude towards coupons. This indicated that exactly half of the respondents have positive attitude towards coupons promotion in this research. 5.3 Attitude towards Free Samples According to Table 1, exactly half of the respondents agreed that when they buy a brand that offers free samples, they feel they are getting a good buy (51.4%) and free sample has allowed them to buy more quantities of the same product. Moreover, half of the respondents prefer to buy the same brand even if they have free samples on other brands. However, Shimp (2003) reported that free sample had influence on consumers buying behaviour. As presented by Table 3, the scale of the total attitude towards free samples score cut point for two equal groups was 2.46 points which mean the group who scored higher than the mean scale of 2.46 has favourable attitude towards free samples and respondents who scored below of the mean scale were classified as having unfavourable attitude towards free samples. Based on Table 3, it proved that majority of the respondents (55.6%) have favourable attitude towards free samples while there were 44.4% of the respondents have unfavourable attitude towards free samples. This showed that there were 95 respondents (55.6%) out of the 171 respondents willing to consume more during the sales promotion with free samples technique. 5.4 Attitude towards Buy-One-Get-One-Free Table 1 illustrated the respondents in this study have agreed perception on all of the eight statements related to buy-one-get-one-free promotion tool. It showed that the percentage of the respondents who agreed on the statements was more or higher than respondents who disagreed on it. For example, 62.6 of the respondents agreed that a brand offers buy-one-get-one-free could be a reason for them to buy. Based on Table 1, it presented the scale of the attitude towards buy-one-get-one-free cut point for two equal groups were 2.6 points. Respondents who scored below the mean scale ( 2.6 points) of the attitude towards buy-one-get-one-free were categorized as having unfavourable attitude where as respondents who scored above the mean scale (2.6 points) were categorized as having favourable attitude towards buy-one-get-one-free. In Table 3, there were 48% of the respondents who have unfavourable attitude towards buy-one-get-one-free while 52% of the respondents have favourable attitude to wards buy-one get-one-free. 5.5 Respondents Buying Behaviour According to Brown (2007), buying behaviour refers to the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products. There were total of 13 statements used to examine the respondents buying behaviour. The responses were scored by four point ordinal scale. Table 2 indicated the descriptive analysis of each question for buying behaviour. The analysis had been divided into two levels of buying behaviour: agree and disagree. From Table 2, it showed that majority of the respondents (80.7%) agreed in general, they try to get the best overall quality and 81.8% of them agreed they look very carefully to find the best value for money. More to the point, there were 71.9% of respondents agreed once they find the product they like, they will buy it regularly and 81.3% of them would carefully watch how much they spend. Among the 13 statements, the statement of I normally shop quickly, buying the first product or brand I find that seems good enough agreed by most least respondent s which were 56.8% of respondents. The results of buying behaviour level as shown in Table 3. Equal range was used to categorize the buying behaviour that is low and high level Respondents who under 2.87 points and above were categorized as having high levels of buying behaviour and vice versa. There were 49.7% of respondents in category of low level buying behaviour and 50.3% of respondents have high level of buying behaviour. The respondents, who have high level of buying behaviour normally, have high level of involvement where they are paying more attention towards sales promotion (Raaij et al, 2001). The result of Independent Samples T-test showed that there was no significant difference between buying behaviour and gender (t = -1.003, p 0.05). It was consistent with previous study by Chu (2006). However, the mean score of buying behaviour of male (M = 2.8390) respondents is slightly lower than female respondents (M =2.9059). 5.6 The relationship between the selected variables and buying behaviour The result of Pearson Correlation test revealed that there was a significant relationship between attitude towards price discounts and buying behaviour among respondents (r = 0.372, p ≠¤ 0.001) (refer to Table 4). The results of this study reaffirmed that findings of previous study by. Blackwell, Miniard and Engel (2001) that price discounts play significant roles in influencing consumers purchase trial behaviour, and Smith and Sinha (2000), price promotions can induced consumers buying behaviour and result in a short term increases in sales. There was a significant relationship between attitude towards coupons and buying behaviour (r = 0.270, p≠¤ 0.001). The result of this study was inconsistent with previous study in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia which found that coupons have no significant relationship on product trial ptu-chase (Ndubisi Chew, 2006). This may caused by locality difference. This study also found that, there was a significant relationship between attitude towards free samples and buying behaviour (r = 0.256, p ≠¤ 0.001). The result is consistent with Shimp (2003) that a free sample had influence on consumers buying behaviour. Besides, Lammers (1991) also verified that free samples did have a positive impact on immediate sales of the product. Lastly, there was a significant relationship between attitude towards buy-one-get-one-free and buying behaviour (r = 0.338, p ≠¤ 0.001). It showed that the promotion tools with buy-one-get-one-free did attract and induce consumers favourable attitude on buying behaviour. Table 5 summarizes results of a multiple regression analyses of the buying behaviour. All the four selected variables namely: price discounts, coupons, free samples and buy-one-get-one-free which significantly related to buying behaviour was regressed using hierarchical method. Model 1 was used to in interpreting the buying behaviour of the respondents. Of the four variables, price discount (ß = 0.256) was more influential that of buy-one-get-one free (ß = 0.183), coupon discounts (ß = 0.014) and free samples (ß = 0.040). 6. Implications, Recommendations and Conclusions 6.1 Implications Every consumer has their own personal characteristic especially in choosing and making purchase decision. With the growing number of sales promotion, it is important to determine the consumers perception towards their buying behaviour. Besides, this study also examines several factors which included socio-demographic background (gender) and attitude towards four different promotional tools on buying behaviour. From the findings, it was noticed that consumers respond positively to the various promotional tools that is promoted by the marketers. It is because consumers are believed that during the sales promotion, prices of all products are cheaper than usual and they felt they are getting a good buy. It meant that the more positive or favourable the attitude towards promotional tools, the more increasing possibility consumers make purchase decision during sales promotion. Gender was found to have no significant difference on buying behaviour. The results of this study have several implications that would be beneficial to marketers, consumers and future research. From the marketers perspective, they can have a better understanding of UPM students buying behaviour so that they can better predict the wants and needs of potential consumers. The information derived from this research enable marketers to aware of the consumer behaviour. It will help them utilize the right and the most effective promotion technique to attract customers. Moreover, the study from Ndubisi and Chew (2006) also supported that by offering the right promotional tools, it can help organizations carefully plan their promotional strategies by giving preference to the more effective tools. It is vital because the precise marketing strategies decision assists the company to minimize cost and maximize their profit. In addition, the current research made consumers more aware of their easily influence behaviour to sales promotion because it present better understanding and information to consumers where they respond differently due to different type of promotional tools. The research also created consumer awareness to make careful analysis before they decide to buy products and services. Hence, the consumers will realize the importance of understanding the changing environment and update themselves from time to time (Hang, 2008). Finally, consumers were benefited through this study and becoming smarter day by day. This study was also useful to academicians where current study could serve as a reference and may provide some guides for researchers who would like to study about the same topic. 6.2 Recommendations Although this research has taken vital steps to identify the factors that influence buying behaviour, it also has certain limitations. Firstly, the limitation of the data prevents further exploration of the study. There was an age limit and only 171 respondents have been participated in this study. The respondents were almost homogenous for age types because there were between 18 to 24 years old and represent early adulthood only. Different stages of life cycles of respondents would yield different results. Therefore, future researchers are suggested to increase the sample size variety especially in respondents age to decrease the error for the purpose of the generalizing result to a wider population. They can do comparison among early, middle and late adolescents in regards to buying behaviour. Secondly, future researchers may further scope to duplicate the study in different environment and different geographical locations. Different environment played a significant factor that influence respondents behaviour specifically workplace, supermarkets and shopping complexes or malls. Working individuals could behave in a different manner compared with this sample. Besides, the individuals who do not have occupation such as housewife and retired person may also behave differently because the understanding and experience of respondents towards the questions might influence their answers. Since this study was conducted in Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, it could not represent other people in urban or rural areas where the quality of life is different. Thirdly, future researchers are suggested to use interview technique in doing research especially at the place here transactions happen. This will enable the researchers obtain an accurate information based on the respondents fresh memory; Last but not least, this research has only examines four promotional tools that influence buying behaviour. Future researchers are suggested to determine other promotional tools such as rebates, sweeptakes, in pack premiums and so forth. Besides, the study can also specify in category of products or services to have more focus information. However, for more meaningful findings the different promotional tools can be investigated together rather than separately so that the interactions among them can be better understand. As a result, it can assist marketers and consumers understand other promotional tools that may influence the buying behaviour. 6.3 Conclusions Sales promotions play an important role in the marketing programs of marketers and retailers. A large percentage of marketers sales are made on promotion. This situation is becoming apparently when the financial crisis and economic downtime happened in 2008. The marketers are rather use variety of promotional tools to offers consumers an extra inducement to buy their products than advertising in classic media. It is supported by the research from Curzon (2009) who stated that sales promotions are not only effective in attaining short-term sales as they are also more cost-effective compared to other integrated marketing communications tools such as advertising. In conclusion, the consumers attitude towards different promotional tools on buying behaviour is favourable. It showed that sales promotion tools are supplementary or complementary to existing business as an additional marketing strategy. This research demonstrated that consumers buying behaviour were motivated by multiple types of factors, including socio-demography, promotional tools such as price discounts, coupons, free samples and buy-one-get-one-free. In addition, the framework provides new insights into the understanding of how students respond to various promotional tools offered by marketers and the impacts on their buying behaviour, which may be essential for marketers in order to utilize accurate marketing strategies to promote products.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Eddies action Essay Example for Free

Eddies action Essay Beatrice is responsible for eddies death because she didnt act soon enough. If Beatrice acted sooner Eddie could have calmed and a lot of this wouldnt have happened. Marco wants revenge on Eddie because Eddie contacted immigration to inform them of him and Rodolpho. This angers Marco and makes him want to seek revenge. He believes that Eddies action was the start of a downward spiral leading to the unfortunate fate of his children. He confirms this in the quote, That one! He killed my children. Marco could be blamed for eddies death because of his personal vendetta. He went to Eddies house fuelled with aggression, shouting, Eddie Carbone outside of Eddies house demanding that Eddie steps outside to settle this. If you were trying to clear Marco of international murder you could argue that Eddie pulled a knife out. Another reason you can state is that Marco was using self defence to prevent getting hurt these reasons is what can clear Marco from international murder. Marco kills Eddie at the end of the final scene. Eddie lunges at Marco and they begin to fight. Eddie pulls out a knife and attempts to stab Marco. Eddie tries to stab Marco but Marco twists the knife and stabs Eddie instead, it results in Eddie dying. There is evidence in this which tells us that Marco is responsible for eddies death such as when Marco says, in my country, he would have been dead by now. He would not live this long this gives me more knowledge which tells me that Marco is responsible for eddies death. This quote tells us that Marco is a man of vendetta, this is the way he settles his problems. Eddie is a man of honour dying like this suits him because he has fought for what he believes in. I have come to the conclusion that Eddie is fully responsible for his death. I believe he bring everything on himself such as calling immigration because he couldnt control his jealousy which resulted into angering Marco, this leaded into a vendetta. By settling this feud Marco wants to fight, as Eddie comes out he brings a knife; if he had not brought that knife the damage would have been so much less. The writer directing the final words towards Alfieri is aimed at touching each member of the audience, each feeling mixed emotions throughout the play however, whoever is to blame becomes irrelevant and you can not help but morn and feel a sense of loss over I life that has been taken. The writer points out that for all Eddies wrong doings he was unable to control his actions due to his belief in what he felt was right. I think a view from a bridge is a tragedy because throughout the play Eddie goes through so much. He loses respect from others, he drifts apart from his niece on the strengths of his personal beliefs and lack of control over his jealousy and consequently loses his own life. The line in which sums up the main point for is when Alfieri says sometimes we settle for half and I like it better.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Greek History Class and Status

Greek History Class and Status Are there any special insights to be had from analysing Greek history in terms of either class or status? Greek history cannot be viewed as complete without analysing the class structure and status, as most of the historical evidence we have acquired from the classical period have come from inscriptions and sculptures made by one particular class of people, who had a high status in society. Thusly it is not necessarily about gaining special insights as it is gaining as complete an insight into Greek Ancient history as possible, though special insights will inevitably present themselves. This side of Greek history has only been focused on since these issues have come to the fore in modern times what with Marxism and communism rising in the 20th Century; these issues of class and status come under classical scrutiny because it is inevitable that they were as relevant then as they are now because human nature does not change and you will see clear comparisons. Only men native to a particular city-state who were free and owned land were entitled to the full protection of the law in a city-state and be considered citizens. The Athenian social structure consisted of the population being divided up into four classes based on wealth. This differs from Sparta where all male citizens who finished their education were considered equal. So it is clear that insights can be gained from analysing Greek history because both class and status are issues that classical historians must understand in order to have as complete as possible outlook on Greek history. People who were not part of the free land owning citizens were known as metics. Foreigners who moved into the city were part of this group, so too were slaves who had been freed. It can certainly be argued that this is exploitation of and looking down on certain groups of people showing us a special insight into how the different classes saw each other and the status each acquired. This insight could not be attained without analysing the class or status. Because they did not have the technology we have today in antiquity, G. E. M. de Ste. Croix argues in his book The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World that the dominant wealthy classes continued to dominate by demanding a lot more than was actually necessary from the lower classes. Such things as slavery, serfs, debt bondsmen and many other methods were employed to stop the lower classes from rebelling by keeping them busy. This is backed up by people such as Aristotle, who wrote in his Politics that men (meaning citizens of the state) were rational animals but slaves and women were not capable of reason. He called slaves animate tools whose only use was to obey the commands of the rich masters. In his Politics work he writes, But among barbarians no distinction is made between women and slaves, because there is no natural ruler among them: they are a community of slaves, male and female. Wherefore the poets say, It is meet that Hellenes should rule over barbarians; as if they thought that the barbarian and the slave were by nature one. This gives us some clear insight into the mindset of the citizens of Greek city states. There is a common misconception amongst people that Greece was a unified nation that thought as one. But, I have already displayed a difference between two different cities in Greece and their social structures were quite different and these differences do offer us special insights. Greece was not one nation operating under the same thinking, but it contained many different identities, it is both a Mediterranean and a Balkan country. In fact, an official Greek state did not come into being until Rome united it as one. There were hundreds of different states across the area which contained the people who became known as the Greeks. Loyalty was held to their own city states, rather than Greece as a whole. We can also gain some insight into daily life when analysing Greek history in terms of class or status. Most of the population were forced to work on the soil by those that were free citizens who were a small number of wealthy landowners and owned a lot of land. The slaves would work on the wealthy landowners land, there was little alternative to this. So they were viewed as mere tools, as the aforementioned quote from Aristotle shows, describing them as animate tools as if they were modern day tractors or any other tool that makes agriculture easier, for the wealthy landowner at least. There is also another area of study, apart from the relationship between the wealthy landowning citizens and the metics and slaves which is about how business in general was conducted in Ancient Greece that is opened to us once we study Ancient Greece from the perspective of status and class. Paul Millet suggests that patronage has had so little written about it that one might think it did not even exist in the Ancient Greek World. However, it must be said, with what little evidence we have; Sparta is the city-state we have the most evidence for patronage, but below this is Athens. Athens was viewed as the most advanced democracy of the time, and the aforementioned Aristotle also viewed it as such, despite its inequalities. This quote from Aristotles Politics is relevant here as, remembering his previously quoted view on barbarians, here he is talking about the citizens of the perfect democracy, which does not include slaves, women, metics and others: Democracy arose from the idea that those who are equal in any respect are equal absolutely. All are alike free, therefore they claim that they are all equal absolutely. Athens has always been said to have been the first true democracy by mainstream classical historians, special insight can be gained here from studying Ancient Greek history from a class and status perspective to denounce that myth. Though all members of the citizenship of Athens could vote at the assembly, the vast majority of the people who actually lived in Athens, like the metics, women, slaves and others could not vote or have any say in political life. Comparisons can be drawn to today here as, before Solons reforms slavery was given as a punishment for debt. This is comparable to today and offer special insight because today personal debt is at an all time high, particularly in America and Britain and if the debt becomes too high the banks send bailiffs to seize your property and your home effectively removing you from the citizenship and making you a metic. Using the Marxist ideology adopted by de Ste Croix in his aforementioned book, more comparisons can be drawn to today as a small minority of the people still maintain all the wealth. The means of production concept is also as relevant then as it is now and the owners of the means of production, the bourgeoisie still control it thus forcing the common man or the proletariat into working in order to survive. This in effect is slavery as they have no other choice but to work and feed the means of production to keep the wheels of democracy and capitalism turning. Analysing the status of women also offers special insights into Greek History that would otherwise have gone unnoticed by the male dominated classical period. The role of the female in Ancient Greece was one of purely being a housekeeper and a mother to any children she may have. As I have said, there was no way for them to get involved in political life. Plays like Aristophanes Lysistrata shows that the very idea of women being in power was considered completely ludicrous and was only relevant when they wanted to make a joke. Like slaves, women could hold no possessions as they belonged to her father and then once she is married to her husband. Their primary function of looking after the home included the use of many slaves, sorting out finances, spinning, bread making and of course weaving which is the epitomy of the feminine thing to do as in evidence from Homers The Odyssey. They lived and ate in separate quarters from the men, nor could they go out in public on their own. Spartan women had it better as they were allowed to take part in athletic competitions and generally had more freedoms. Comparisons can be drawn here with modern times also as in the Islamic faith women are encouraged not to be seen in public and in the Christian faith women have always been vilified. This is clearly special insight being drawn from Greeces Ancient history as studying the status or class both offer the opportunity to compare social issues from ancient times to today, as they are clearly still relevant. We can also gain insight from this because Athens direct democracy may not have worked if it werent for its usage of such strict requirements to be allowed to participate. This creates insightful debate over this very reasoning meaning that it was not a democracy per se, but rather a democracy for the few where only a small section of society could participate and be elected. Comparisons can also be drawn to today with the long Bush-Clinton dynasty heading towards their fourth straight president, who comes from the same elite wealthy section of society. But the only difference is that the debt slaves of modern times actually choose not to participate instead of being forced not to as was the case in Ancient Athens. A more obvious comparison to modern times and what we can learn from the Ancient Greeks is the modern examples of literal slavery as opposed to the economic enslavement I have spoken of. Slaves in near modern times are quite comparible to those of Ancient times and thus offer an interesting insight into Greek history and what we can learn from it in terms of their mistakes, before slavery was abolished in 1863 in America many people were taken from Africa and elsewhere to America to work as slaves. This is quite reminiscent of the barbarians I quoted Aristotle speaking of earlier, saying how they were less than human. This was the kind of attitude that allowed slavery to continue for as long as it did, and as Western society takes its origins from classical history it is then easy to understand why it was so readily accepted. The same comparisons can be drawn about the treatment of women and minority groups whose racism they had to endure is similar to the treatment and opinions of barbarians at the time. In conclusion, what constitutes special insight can be interpreted many different ways but I feel that it relates to the information we can gain that has previously been ignored by the classical history establishment, in favour of focusing solely on the elite wealthy landowners without considering the slaves and the people who did not necessarily have a voice. This is why I feel de Ste. Croixs use of Marxist ideology in his book The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World is extremely apt in portraying this special insight as it effectively shows the same system of control that is employed today as back in the Ancient Greek World in a different format to today, but still ultimately debt slavery. It also offers special insight in the general goings on of Ancient Greek society with the question of status and class relating to patronages usage and if it was even used at all as the lack of it in history books would suggest. The biggest special insight I feel it offers in terms of either class or status is that it shows the lack of willingness to make the unheard voices heard, it clearly shows that Greek history is written by those that dominated it and its majority of people living there as slaves, metics, women will unfortunately remain an unheard voice in the trumpeting of the creators of democracy we apparently hold so dear today. References De Ste. Croix, The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World, Duckworth Ed, 1997 Paul Millet, Patronage in Ancient Society, Routledge, 1989 Aristotle, The Politics, Jowett translation, revised by Jonathan Barnes, 1981 Homer, The Odyssey, E.V. Rieu translation, Penguin Books, 2003. Arisophanes, Lysistrata and Other Plays, Alan H. Sommerstein translation, 2003 Professor Paul Cartledge, Critics and Critiques of Athenian Democracy, 1st January 2001, BBC:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Should We Have Dropped the Atomic Bomb? :: World War II History

Should We Have Dropped the Atomic Bomb? The atomic bomb killed many innocent people, but it was necessary to end World War II. After World War II began in 1939, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt announced the neutrality of the United States. Many people in the United States thought that their country should stay out of the war. The people wanted the Allied Forces to have the victory. President Roosevelt also wanted an Allied victory because an Axis victory might endanger democracies everywhere. The United States equipped nations fighting the Axis with ships, tanks, aircraft, and other war materials. The Axis did not like this. Japan wanted to take over China, but China refused. China was led by Chiang Kai-Shek at the time. Japan wanted the United States to stop sending China supplies, but the United States refused. The United States opposed the expansion of Japan in Asia, so they cut off important exports to Japan. General Hideki Tojo was the Premiere of Japan. He and other Japanese leaders did not like the fact that Americans were sending war supplies to China and other countries in Asia. A surprise attack was ordered by Japan on December 7, 1941. The target was the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. 360 planes bombed the naval base killing about 3,000 people and destroying many warships, aircraft carriers, and submarines. This was a catalyst that brought the United States into World War II. Albert Einstein predicted that mass could be converted into energy early in the century and was confirmed experimentally by John D. Cockcroft and Ernest Walton in 1932. In 1939, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann discovered that neutrons striking the element uranium caused the atoms to split apart. Physicists found out that among the pieces of a split atom were newly produced neutrons. These might encounter other uranium nuclei, caused them to split, and start a chain reaction. If the chain reaction were limited to a moderate pace, a new source of energy could be the result. The chain reaction could release energy rapidly and with explosive force. Leo Szilard, Eugene Wigner, and Edward Teller, Hungarian-born physicists were frightened by the possibility that Germany might produce an atomic bomb. They insisted that Albert Einstein inform President Roosevelt about the possibility of the Germans making an atomic bomb. In late 1939 President Roosevelt ordered an American effort to make an atomic bomb before the Germans.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Substance Abuse and the Elderly Essay -- Prescription Drug Abuse

The purpose of this paper is to determine the level of substance abuse in the elderly community. There is concern that as the population ages in the United States, there will be a significant increase in the number of older adults being treated for substance abuse problems. This paper seeks to understand the issues and concerns that are consequently involved with substance abuse among the elderly. There is no doubt that there is a prevalence of substance abuse throughout several age groups. To a certain extent, a society is faced with the reality of controlling substance abuse. Or allow it run rampant throughout the community. Often times, we hear and read about the level of substance abuse among teen, young adults and mid-aged adults. Alcohol, medications, illegal drugs, and over-the-counter medicines can be both abused and misused. It is a widespread belief that age plays a role in the level of influence that drugs and alcohol diminishes. As a person becomes older, drugs and alcohol is not as influential in their loves. This widespread belief has truth. However, it is important to understand that substance abuse is still prevalent in the elderly community. Drug use appears to negatively affect the health of the elderly at a higher rate than other populations (Benshoff & Koch, 2003). This may be a result of old age. So, it can be understood there is a biological effect of substance abuse among the elderly. The elderly are more susceptible to being admitted into the hospital for adverse effects of substances, while other populations of society are not. Benshoff and Koch asserts, â€Å"Intentional abuse of prescription medications to get high is thought to be rare, but over-use does occur among this population. Often this over... elderly emergency department patients. Journal of the American Geriatric Society (40):1236-1240 Atchley, R. C. (1997). Social forces and aging: An introduction to social gerontology (8th ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadswortli. Benshoff, J. J., & Koch, D. (2003). Substance abuse and the elderly: Unique issues and concerns. Journal Of Rehabilitation, 69(2), 43. Kail, B., & DeLaRosa, M. (1998). Challenges to treating the elderly latino substance abuser: A not so hidden research agenda. Journal Of Gerontological Social Work, 30(1/2), 123-141. Mavandadi, S., Ten Have, T. R., Katz, I. R., Durai, U. B., Krahn, D. D., Llorente, M. D., & ... Oslin, D. W. (2007). Effect of Depression Treatment on Depressive Symptoms in Older Adulthood: The Moderating Role of Pain. Journal Of The American Geriatrics Society, 55(2), 202-211. doi:10.1111/j.1532-5415.2007.01042.x

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Catherine morland presented

Catherine being traced re the social, psychological, emotional and intellectual, in addition to her growth as a fully functional lady of society. The first chapter focuses on the Catherine's practicality, her intelligent, but not brilliant mind and her lack of experience in the world. Austen introduces Catherine as a realistic character, while contrasting that realism to her role as the heroine of a novel. Jane Austen presents Catherine Morland at the beginning of the novel, this opens the novel to a very interesting and yet peculiar start to the Northanger Abbey, â€Å"No one who had ever seen CatherineMorland in her infancy would have supposed her to be born an heroine†. This opening sentence leaves the reader expecting her to become a heroine as her life progresses. The author's careful diction characterises Catherine, â€Å"No one who had ever seen,† as though her outward appearance cannot righteously represent her true inner nature. The description of Catherine's a ppearance typifies this. When Austen describes Catherine in the opening of the novel, she suggests that she is an unlikely gothic heroine.Catherine isn't described as a stereotypical child, nevertheless, she ad a thin awkward figure, a sallow skin without colour, dark lank hair, and strong features, â€Å"so much for her person and not less unpropitious for heroism seemed her mind†. Austen presents Catherine to be as boring and plain, while at the same time encouraging the idea of her strong and courageous nature. By introducing her as a possible heroine, the contrasting description of her external features and the image of her heroism create a concept in the readers mind.In Chapter one of Northanger Abbey, Catherine is presented as naive and innocent, as Catherine is stereotyped as person who â€Å"never could learn or understand anything before she was taught. † This helps to paint a picture of Catherine being helpless and dependent for extended emphasis or exaggerat ion of the trials she must go through to reach maturity and independence. For if Catherine learns through the guidance and teaching of others, her gullibility in what she is taught is heightened, therefore she may be inclined to believe everything that she hears or reads.Austen describes Catherine, â€Å"She was fond of all boys, playing and greatly preferred cricket†. This relates to Mary Woolstone Craft, whereas Catherine's imagination runs away with her childhood because â€Å"she is kept in a state of perpetual childhood†. Austen presents Catherine's childhood as marked by energy, vitality and good temper, â€Å"She was moreover, noisy and wild†, Catherine wasn't interested in learning music or art she held the characterises of a young child who is immature and not very grounded on life. Young children at that age, however, are expected to be witty and charming.Catherine, however, is not accomplishment for 19th century women. Every household that could affor d one had piano, and the daughters of the house would be expected to learn to play and sing, so they could entertain the family and any visitors. Sketching and painting were considered elegant female accomplishments. Sewing was another one; girls would learn to do elegant embroidery. Speaking foreign languages was considered an accomplishment; girls would learn French and German and how this education plays a role in her position within society.Catherine Morland was the complete opposite of the stereotypical child; Jane Austen presented Catherine at the beginning of the ovel to the broad conflicting on how a heroine should act. Catherine Is more apparent when she turns fifteen years old, we gain an insight that Catherine has developed into a different character, â€Å"her love for dirt gave away' and â€Å"grows quite a good looking girl† this shows the maturity of Catherine and the stages into adulthood. Catherine's appearances change completed as, â€Å"her features were softened, by plumpness and colour†.Also, Catherine was â€Å"reading books of information†, Catherine is now showing traits of the â€Å"accomplished women† and the qualities of a eroine, nevertheless at the start of the novel Jane presents Catherine as nothing but a heroine and this shows how Catherine grows up and becomes more mature. In the first part of the novel, Catherine finds herself in the fashionable Bath where she is eager for adventures. She meets people who are in Bath for different reasons but mainly to find a suitable partner in life.Already after a couple of weeks in Bath, far away from her family, she is starting to mature. Her introduction to Bath society makes Catherine lose a little of her childish innocence. At one moment in Bath she is larmed and surprised at seeing Henry accompanied by another woman: â€Å"Catherine sat erect, in the perfect use of her senses and with cheeks only a little redder than usual† though Catherine does not reveal any emotions, quite the opposite of a Gothic heroine. When she meets Henry Tilney, instead of fainting with pure Joy she welcomes him quietly.Jane Austen presents Catherine Morland different around certain characters, as when we are first introduced to Isabella Thorpe she is presented as a admirable character at first, she comes across friendly, elegant and eautiful, as Catherine says in the novel, â€Å"her eldest daughter had great personal beauty'. Catherine's character changes when she meets Isabella Thorpe, Catherine admires her as a role model as Austen writes how Catherine, â€Å"most admirable girl† this helps Catherine's character to grow as she soon learns the social rules of how to behave whilst in Bath.As we know Isabella is four years older than Catherine so Catherine perhaps perceives Isabella as an older sister figure to Catherine. Catherine and Isabelle gain a friendship quickly which could suggest how Catherine is naive as he has not let herself get t o know Isabella as quick as she should have, â€Å"The progress of the friendship between Catherine and Isabella was quick as its beginning to get warm†.Isabella comes across as very manipulative character and also seeks male attention, when Catherine and Isabella catch the eye of two young men, † they set of immediately, as fast as they could walk, in pursuit of the two young men†, Catherine, however, doesn't want to follow the two young men and doesn't crave the male attention which Isabella does, this shows that Isabella manipulates what Catherine thinks and Jane presents this by showing that Isabella however Is in charge eventually drops her superficial friendship with Isabella in favour of a more mature friendship with Eleanor.In many ways, the mature and reasonable Eleanor represents the type of adult that Catherine makes some progress towards becoming an responsible adult. Eleanor is, after all, rational, kind, well-mannered, well-rea, and is capable to kee ping up with her brother's wit and if she's not as exciting and wildly entertaining as Isabella, well, that's probably a good thing. After all, she does get ewarded with her very own Viscount in the end, which Just proves that good deeds, like putting up with her difficult father, really can be rewarded.Catherine, who grows up considerably over the course of the novel, eventually drops her superficial friendship with Isabella in favour of a more mature friendship with Eleanor. In many ways, the mature and reasonable Eleanor represents the type of adult that Catherine makes some progress towards becoming, She is described as having a â€Å"good fgure, a pretty face and a very agreeable countenance† and is also described as having good anners and a good sense this foreshadows later on in the novel where Eleanor gives Catherine money to go home when General Tilney banishes Catherine from Northanger Abbey.Eleanor Tinley comes across as more of a heroine than Catherine Morland. Wh ereas the friendship between Eleanor and the characters also contrast in the way that Isabella enjoys having attention, whereas we are told that Eleanor is at the ball â€Å"without wanting to fix the attention of every man near her† which shows she is a much more mature character and would make a better role model to Catherine rather than Isabella. Overall the novel follows Catherine Morland's progress from innocence and delusion to understanding and clear sight.She never loses her honest and unaffectedness, which is what, makes her an attractive heroine despite being neither clever nor witty. At the beginning of chapter one Catherine isn't presented as a typical heroine and doesn't have the typical heroine traits as she does not bother to learn or has any talent at all, however, when Catherine grows to be older she begins to realise her maturity and she begins to have the qualities of an ‘accomplished women' traits about her.