Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Causes and Effects of Whaling

The Causes and Effects of Whaling 1 The Causes and Effects of Whaling Whale is the current name for diverse marine mammals of the order Cetacea, having the general shape of a fish with forelimbs modified as fins, a tail with level flukes, and one or two blowholes on top of the head. (â€Å"Whale†, 2010). Whaling dates back to prehistoric times, but it became an important industry in the nineteenth century. Whales have been hunted for meat or made into lighting oil.Until the international injunction on commercially hunting whales was enacted in 1982 by International Whaling Commission (effective from 1986), some species were seriously endangered. Although commercial whaling was forbidden, several countries were unwilling to follow it such as Norway and Japan. They developed whaling industry for the sake of economic benefits and because the cost is low with free marine resources. But whaling has serious effects on both the environment as well as the society. Japanese are the lea ding whale hunters at present, now we use Japan as a typical example and we will mainly talk about Japan’s whaling.Commercial whaling is lucrative, the prosperous fishing industry in Japan also affects the economic interests of other industries such as tourism and Catering Industry. This is the first reason why Japan insists on whaling. According to a statistics of Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research in 2000, the production of whale meat in Japan is 2849 tons, and the whale skin is 1051 tons. The revenue generated by whaling activities is more than US$32 million each year. Whaling What’s more, Japan has natural and vast amount of marine resources.The 2 whaling industry was also driven by the free marine resources. Japan was facing the pressure from public opinion especially the West about hunting whales unrestrictedly and excessively. But why Japan was still persisting in whaling? The most significant reason comes to my mind is cultural conflict. Put it this way, Ja panese hate the way Europe and the United States imposes their values to them. They feel unfair and have no intention of lying down under those accusations, and they want to show their cultural identity through whaling.That is their subconscious action and they would like to take this way against â€Å"cultural imperialism† in order to safeguard their own interests. However, due to their continuous whaling, more than 2 million whales were killed in the early 20th century. Some species of whales are close to extinction. Whaling sounds nothing to do with us, how does whaling affect us? Japanese whaling in the northern Pacific Ocean has caused international objections, according to Reuben (2001), the potential full-scale trade war led by U. S. ill become true if Japan still refuses to reform Japan’s whaling practices. Another thing, the excessive whaling disturbs the balance of the ecosystem they belong to, it will also diminish the marine ecosystems, and even the whole c ould collapse. The worst influence is the people in Taiji, Japan were detected their mercury levels exceed standards which stipulated by World Health Organization because of eating whale meat in excess. It has Whaling come to light that mercury is the most toxic element on earth. It is very dangerous for us to eat whale meat. 3In conclusion, the excessive whaling caused by economic benefits and cultural conflict resulted in terrible impacts on oceanic environment and human beings. To save whales, Environmental protection organizations like Greenpeace or individuals are campaigning to end commercial whaling and the governments should also go to great lengths to end it. Whaling 4 References Whale. (October 8, 2009). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Whale Whaling. (February 12, 2009). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from http://en. ikipedia. org/wiki/Whaling The Cove. April 25, 2009). In Wi kipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved April 17, 2010, from http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/The_Cove_(film) Reuben B. Ackerman. (2001, January) ‘Japanese Whaling in the Pacific Ocean: Defiance of International Whaling Norms in the name of ‘Scientific Research’, Culture, and Traditional’, Boston College, Retrieved April 17, 2010, from http://www. bc. edu/bc_org/avp/law/lwsch/journals/bciclr/25_2/07_TXT. htm Japan's Institute of Cetacean Research, In Baidupedia, Retrieved April 17, 2010, from http://baike. baidu. com/view/1632862. html

Friday, August 30, 2019

In Arthur Miller’s play the crucibl Essay

In Arthur Miller’s play the Crucible, Reverend Hale changes as the plot unfolds. When Reverend first arrives in Salem he is certain he will use scientific methods to find witches. As the court hearing begins to unfold, Reverend Hale opposes the actions being taken, thus begins using his own judgments. Hale attempts to save the guiltless when he realizes they were convicting innocent people. The plot takes place in 1619, in a small town named Salem. The town was young; being only 40 years old was very religiously strict. A group of teen girls were caught dancing naked in the woods. They started making accusations of witchcraft across the town. Reverend Hale, who was a witch expert, was called from a near by town to put a stop to the matter. One reason Reverend hale changed as the plot unfolds is because he at first believes that he will be using scientific methods to find witches. Hale firmly follows the law to sustain order. By keeping to his books he prepares himself to pay no heed to conclusions. He trusts his books to keep control over the problems arising in Salem. â€Å"†¦ all the invisible world, caught defined, and calculated. In these no fear now-we shall find him out if he has come among us, and mean to crush him utterly if he has shown his face. † (Miller, 39) One reason Reverend Hale changed as the plot unfolds is because he at first believes that he will be using scientific methods to find witches. Subsequently Reverend starts to evolve his thinking during the trail and starts going by his own judgment. He pleads with the judge to let Proctor return, only to be rejected by him. Hale fought against the judge’s verdict realizing it was unjust. Hale then decided to leave the court. â€Å"I denounce these preceding. I quit the court. † (Miller, 115) Subsequently Reverend starts to evolve his thinking during the court hearing and starts going by his own judgment. Then at the end, Reverend changes even more when he realizes they were accusing every one of witchcraft and tries to save the innocent. Reverend declares he will not take a life of an innocent person â€Å"†¦ I am a minister of the Lord, and I dare not take a life without there be proof so immaculate no slightest qualm of conscious may doubt it. † (Miller, 99) He realizes that it is not the convicted people, but that of a hunt to find a cause for there problems. He encourages Mr. proctor to confess to witchery. Also pleading with Procter’s wife, he protests the foolishness of admitting to something you did not do. Finally Reverend Changes for the better realizing that not everyone is a witch and attempts to save the innocent Hale changes from being in favor of the witch trails to opposing it due to the amount of unnecessary convictions with sentences of death. He finds that, when you stop accusing people every for every incident and mishaps, many of the folks are innocent. It is hard to believe that many innocent people were killed during the Salem witch trials. Certainly nothing like that will ever happen today. Reverend Hale changes as the scheme unfolds in Arthur miller’s play, the crucible. Work Cited Miller, Arthur. The Crucible. New York Penguin, 1952 Jonathan Schneider Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Arthur Miller section.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Basking Sharks Essay Research Paper The Basking

Enjoying Sharks: Essay, Research Paper The Basking Shark: Hope for the Future? Introduction # 8211 ; What are the biological features, home ground, and value of enjoying sharks? I. Interrelated life signifiers populate the oceans. A. Photoplankton synthesize nutrient. 1. Using C dioxide 2. Dissolving minerals 3. Roll uping sunlight energy B. Small fish consume photoplankton. C. Zooplankton eats infinitesimal workss. 1. Sea worms 2. Jellyfish 3. Crustaceans D. Food concatenation ends with big animals. 1. Giants 2. Sharks E. Some of the largest animals feed on the smallest. II. Ocean creatures feed at assorted deepnesss of the sea. A. Most big animals gather at the top bed of the ocean. 1. Food is plentiful. 2. Water is warm. B. Small animals feed on organic dust deep in the ocean. 1. Fish 2. Crustaceans III. Fish species include 340 members. A. Skates B. Rays C. Chimeras D. Sharks 1. Not a bony fish 2. Skeleton made of gristle IV. Location of sharks A. Devil dog Waterss B. Tropical seas C. Subtropical Waterss V. Length of the shark varies. A. Whale shark every bit great as 49 pess B. Cookie-cutter shark every bit little as 19 inches VI. Agressiveness varies. A. Most appear to be aggressive carnivores. B. Some of the largest are plankton-eaters. VII. Sharks have non changed from the Cretaceous Period. A. Caused by great diverseness in behaviour B. Assortment of sizes C. Excellent version accomplishments VIII. Sharks belong to category Chondrichthyes. A. Scientific names of sharks 1. Whale sharks # 8211 ; rhincodon typus 2. Cookie-cutter sharks # 8211 ; Squaliolus laticaudus 3. Bull tiger shark # 8211 ; Galeocerdo Cuvier 4. Spiny dogfish # 8211 ; Squalus ancanthias 5. Great White Shark # 8211 ; Carcharodon Carcharias 6. Hammerhead shark # 8211 ; Sphymidae 7. Blue Shark # 8211 ; Prionace glauca 8. Basking Shark # 8211 ; Cetorhinus maximus B. Skeletons of Chondrichthyans are made of gristle. 1. Can be strenghened by sedimentations of minerals in countries of emphasis a. jaws b. vertebrae 2. Lighter than bone since sharks have no swim vesica 3. Material that is flexible for swimming and turning 4. Grows throughout life of shark IX. Specific features of the basking shark. A. Found in temperate oceans B. Length up to 43 pess C. Swims near surface 1. Seen sunning near top of H2O 2. May be in assortment of places a. back b. side c. high in H2O D. Feeds on plankton E. Enormous fish F. Mouth is big 1. Wide 2. Small-toothed G. Gill slits 1. Lined with long, bristle-like rakers 2. Five sets 3. Trap nutrient of plankton H. Originally hunted for its liver oil I. Not known to be unsafe J. Color blends with environment 1. Upper, dorsal surface is gray brown 2. Lower, ventricle surface is white 3. Seen less by enemies K. Fusiform organic structure 1. Rounded and tapered at both terminals 2. Reduces H2O clash 3. Requires minimal energy to swim L. Placoid Scales 1. Regular form 2. Reduce clash 3. Different from centoid graduated tables of bony fish M. Characteristics of the caput 1. Fives formed in lunula form 2. Mouth on bottom of caput 3. Wide separation of anterior nariss N. Characteristics of the dentitions 1. Small 2. Great in figure 3. Formed in parallel rows 4. Not meant for carniverous intents 5. Rows of dentitions develop continuously as replacings for functional dentitions 6. Not used for onslaught intents Ten. Scientists have recorded measurings of the basking shark. A. Babies are five to six pess at birth. B. Pacific Ocean basking sharks 1. 23 pess long 2. 6,600 pound. C. Atlantic Ocean basking sharks 1. 30 pess long 2. 8,600 pound. D. Others have observed lengths from 35 # 8211 ; 50 pess. Eleven. Sharks have been observed in many topographic points. A. Gulf of Maine swimming entirely B. Northeastern United States in big Numberss C. In winter, they move to warm clime D. Known boundaries 1. North # 8211 ; Nova Scotia and Newfoundland 2. South # 8211 ; Mediterranean Sea 3. West # 8211 ; North Carolina Twelve. Breeding forms are mostly unknown. A. Produce unrecorded immature B. Ovaries contain six million immature eggs. Thirteen. Sharks have been studied as a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease. A. Ability to defy disease B. Few tumours have been discovered by Smithsonian Institution C. Do non organize tumours when exposed to cancer-causing stuff D. Studies may take to assist for malignant neoplastic disease patients. 1. Immunoglobin ( IgM ) in shark? s blood onslaughts occupying substances. 2. Shark gristle may defy incursion by capillaries, shriveling tumours. 3. Drugs of gristle may command spread of blood vass that feed tumours. E. Several scientific discipline labs have studied the usage of shark gristle for malignant neoplastic disease remedies. 1. Dr. I. William Lane # 8211 ; Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer a. Studied in clinical tests at U.S. Food and Drug Administration B. Stops formation of new blood vass c. Prevents cancerous tumours through procedure of antiangiogenesis 2. Jing Chen in 1989 a. Oil emulsion from the Cetorhinus maximus is trade name new medical specialty. B. Improvement of patient? s status ( 1 ) Weight addition ( 2 ) Tumor shrinking ( 3 ) Life extension 3. Cancer Treatment Research Foundation survey is let downing. a. Cartilade trade name shark gristle was uneffective against advanced malignant neoplastic disease instances. ( 1 ) Breast ( 2 ) Colon ( 3 ) Lung ( 4 ) Prostate gland B. None of the 47 patients showed even partial tumour decrease. 4. Current surveies indicate inconclusive consequences. Decision: Current probes and modern cognition of the basking shark have opened new countries of survey with deductions for the wellness of adult male. The Basking Shark: Hope for Cancer Cure? The Basking Shark: Hope for a Cancer Cure? The oceans of the universe are populated with distinguishable but interconnected signifiers of life. The nutriment for all ocean life originates in the sunstruck surface beds, where microscopic workss called phytoplankton usage C dioxide, dissolved minerals, and the energy of sunshine to synthesise nutrient. Small fish and zooplankton floating animals such as sea worms, Portuguese man-of-war and crustaceans # 8211 ; browse on these minute workss, and the nutrient value therefore provided moves through consecutive stairss of predation, up the Marine nutrient web to the largest sea inhabitants ( Whipple 132 ) . Most of the giants, fish, and calamaris gather at the top beds of the ocean where the nutrient is plentiful and Waterss are warm. The fish and crustaceans of the deepnesss are fed by organic dust body waste and corpses # 8211 ; that drifts down from the surface Waterss. The ocean nutrient concatenation Begins with the little plankton and ends with the largest of the giants and sharks. Interestingly plenty, some of these largest species feed on the smallest of ocean animals ( Whipple 132 ) . The shark is a member of the three hundred 40 species of fish that along with skates, beams, and Chimeras are aggressively distinguished from the huge figure of cadaverous fish species by their skeletons made of gristle. Sharks are chiefly marine fish found in all seas and are particularly abundant in tropical and semitropical Waterss. They vary in size from the largest, the giant shark, which is 49 pess in length to the cookie-cutter shark which is less than 19 inches long. Sharks are best known as agressive carnivores that even attack their ain species. They eat about all big Marine animate beings in both shallow and deep seas. Two of the largest of the species, nevertheless, eat merely plankton ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . The sharks that exist today have non changed much from those in the Cretaceous Time period which occured more than one hundred million old ages ago. This ability to populate without much alteration over many centuries is caused by their great diverseness in behaviour and in size, demoing first-class version accomplishments ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . Sharks belong to the category Chondrichthyes along with the beams, skates, and other cartilaginous fish. The whale shark is classified as Rhincodon typus, the cookie-cutter shark as Squaliolus laticaudus, and the bull tiger shark as Galeocerdo Cuvier, the spinous bowfin as Squalus ancanthias, and the great white shark as Carcharodon Carcharias. Hammerhead sharks make up the household Sphymidae. The bluish shark is named Prionace glauca. The basking shark is classified as Cetorhinus maximus. It is this last shark species on which this paper concentrates ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . Chondrichthyans differ from osteichthyans, or bony fishes, whose skeletons are to a great extent calcified. A shark? s skeleton is made largely of gristle that can be strengthened by sedimentations of minerals in countries subjected to particular emphasis such as the jaws and vertebrae. Cartilage is an ideal tissue for sharks for several grounds. First, gristle is lighter than bone, of import for sharks which have no swim vesica # 8230 ; Second, gristle is a comparatively flexible stuff, giving tensile force to swimming and turning motions # 8230 ; Lastly, gristle can turn throughout the life of a shark ( Sharks and Stats 1 ) . The basking shark is the common name for the tremendous fish belonging to the shark household. It is found in all temperate oceans and can make a length of 43 pess. The basking shark normally swims near the surface of the H2O and provenders on plankton that is strained through its broad, small-toothed oral cavity and five braces of tremendous gill slits. Each gill is lined with long, bristlelike rakers that trap the plankton. The basking shark was one time hunted for the big measures of oil contained in its liver, but this pattern has been stopped. This shark is non known to be unsafe, but its size demands respect ( 98 Encyclopedia ) . The basking shark is a immense, gray fish that is merely 2nd in size to the giant shark. Like most sharks, it is characterized by a fusiform organic structure which is rounded and tapered at both ends. This streamlined, cylindrical form reduces the clash of the H2O and requires a lower limit of energy to swim. In add-on, the placoid graduated tables which are arranged in a regular form cut down the clash of the H2O by imparting the H2O flow over the organic structure. These are really different from the comb-like graduated tables of bony fish which overlap to supply both protection and lissomeness ( Sharks and Stats 2 ) . The colour of the upper surface of the basking shark is a gray brown, slate Grey, or even black. The lower surface is normally white ( Bigelow and Shroeder ) . This countershading, a type of colour in which the dorsal side is darker than the ventral side, enables the shark to intermix with the environment and be seen less easy by marauders and quarry ( Sharks and Stats 1 ) . Observations from scientists have recorded a assortment of measurings from 35 to 50 pess in length. The babes are normally five to six pess when they are born. Estimated weights for smaller 23 pes enjoying sharks from the Pacific Ocean are 6,600 lbs where the larger 30 pes enjoying sharks from the Atlantic weigh every bit much as 8,600 lbs ( Bigelow and Schroeder 147 ) . The fives of the basking shark are shaped in a half Moon form, the oral cavity is positioned on the bottom of the caput, and there is a broad separation of anterior nariss from the oral cavity. The gills are so big that they surround the cervix of the basking shark with the first brace about meeting below the pharynx. On the interior border of each gill are found a great figure of thorny, bristle-like rakers directed inward and forward. The oral cavity is really big and can open at the corners with easiness. On big specimens, the olfactory organ is short and conic with a rounded tip ( Bigalow and Schroeder 147 ) . The dentition of the basking shark are formed in parallel rows like those of other shark species. These dentitions are really little and great in figure to fit their map. These sharks have no demand to turn big, serrated dentition of the more carnivorous assortments. ? Several rows of replacing dentitions develop continuously throughout life behind the outer row of functional dentitions? ( Sharks and Stats 2 ) . The basking shark is a big non-threatening fish that is frequently seen sunning itself on the surface of the H2O and that is why it is named? basking. ? Because of its minute dentition, it is helpless to assail. Often the shark suns itself with its dorsum and dorsal fin high out of the H2O, on its side, or even on its dorsum ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . Sometimes it loafs along with the neb out of the H2O, its oral cavity unfastened, while garnering its repast of plankton. The shark spends so small clip paying attending to boats that it can easy come within harpoon scope of shark huntsmans. These sharks besides have been seen leaping out of the H2O ( Bigelow and Schroeder 62 ) . Enjoying sharks are normally seen in the Gulf of Maine going entirely. Sometimes, nevertheless, they are seen in the northeasterly United States and in the northern portion of their scope in the Atlantic in loose schools that include every bit many as 60 to a 100 members. During the warm portion of the twelvemonth, enjoying sharks are often seen in the northeasterly United States. In the winter, they frequently move to deeper H2O where the temperature of the H2O does non fall so low ( Bigelow and Shroeder ) . The most interesting distinctive feature of the basking shark is its funny diet. This big animal chows entirely on bantam oceanic animate beings. It sifts these out of the H2O with its greatly developed gill rakers, precisely like other plankton-feeders. Their tummies have been found packed with minute Crustacea ; digestion is so rapid that the nutrient swallowed is shortly reduced to a soupy mass ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . Enjoying sharks produce unrecorded immature like other sharks in their species although really small is known about the construction of the genteelness forms. The female is known to hold ovaries incorporating six million immature eggs alternatively of the few that are prevailing in other sharks ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . The basking shark was originally thought to be an Artic species. Now, nevertheless, it is known that it is an dweller of the North Atlantic and the thermic belts of the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans. The Northern boundary of the normal scope of the enjoying shark of the North Atlantic appears to be Nova Scotia and Newfoundland ; the Southern boundary is every bit far as the Mediterranean Sea. North Carolina appears to organize the western boundary ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . At one clip, enjoying sharks every bit good as sperm giants were normally caught off the seashore of Massachusetts. Their cherished oil was treasured as a beginning for lamp oil by the settlers. However, their Numberss were shortly depleted by overfishing ( Bigelow and Schroeder ) . During the last 20 old ages, sharks and their relations have been the object of serious survey peculiarly in the hunt for a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease: Sharks and their relations, the skates and beams, have enjoyed enormous success during their about 400 million old ages of being on Earth. One ground for this surely is their eldritch ability to defy disease # 8230 ; tumour incidence in these animate beings is carefully monitored by the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C. ( Luer 1 ) . In surveies at the Mote Marine Laboratory in Sarasota, Florida, scientists are experimenting to find whether tumours can be produced in sharks and skates by exposing them to potent cancer-causing chemicals. No alterations in the tissues of the sharks or their familial stuff of all time resulted in cancerous tumours to be formed. After 10 old ages of research, the scientists have concluded that the resistence to disease can be explained by the immunoglobin ( IgM ) which ? circulates in the shark blood at really high degrees and appears to be ready to assail invading substances at all times # 8230 ; This information may someday take to improved methods of immune cell ordinance in worlds, particularly malignant neoplastic disease patients? ( Luer 1-2 ) . In the 1980? s, surveies conducted at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) and at Mote Marine Laboratory tried to verify the value of utilizing shark gristle for both malignant neoplastic disease and arthritis: These surveies of cow and shark gristle were designed to understand how gristle is of course able to defy incursion by blood capillaries. If the footing for this suppression could be identified, it was reasoned, so it might take to the development of a new drug therapy. Such a drug could command the spread of blood vass feeding a cancerous tumour, or the redness associated with arthritis ( Luer 2 ) . The primary advocate of the benefits of shark gristle has been Dr. I. William Lane. In his book, Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer, Lane claims that? usage of whole shark gristle has proven so effectual as an alternate malignant neoplastic disease therapy that it is now being studied in human clinical tests conducted under the protections of the United States Food and Drug Administration? ( 6 ) . The benefit of shark gristle is touted as a therapy which stops the formation of new blood vass and, hence, prevents the growing of cancerous tumours. This procedure was named antiangiogenesis ( anti = against, angio = blood, generation = formation of ) ( 8 ) . Research continues with the enjoying shark as a topic. In 1989, it was reported by Jing Chen that an oil emulsion from the? Cetorhinus maximus is a bran-new anti-carcinoma medical specialty made from marine beings. Marked betterment of the patient? s status such as weight addition, partial shrinking of the conceited ball and life extension constitute the distinctive characteristics of oil emulsion of Cetorhinus maximus? ( 41-45 ) . Consequences of the largest current survey announced in May, 1997, by the non-profit Cancer Treatment Research Foundation in Arlington Heights, Illinois, were dissatisfactory. The research found that Cartilade trade name shark gristle was uneffective against advanced instances of chest, colon, lung, and prostate malignant neoplastic disease. None of the 47 patients showed even partial tumour decrease after 12 hebdomads ( Environmental Nutrition 7 ) . Although Lane? s work continues to be followed, research efforts to verify his work has non been satisfactory. It was during a feature narrative on 60 Minutess when Mike Wallace interviewed Lane in Cuba that the narrative became well-known in America. The consequences of the study were inconclusive but the involvement of the American people had been whetted ( Braun 5 ) . The value of the shark has yet to be to the full determined as a medical intervention for homo disease. However, the current probes surely have opened new countries of survey for these monolithic animals of the warm oceans who have existed for 1000000s of old ages. The shark may be the key to adult male? s hereafter. The Basking Shark: Hope for the Future? Introduction # 8211 ; What are the biological features, home ground, and value of enjoying sharks? I. Interrelated life signifiers populate the oceans. A. Photoplankton synthesize nutrient. B. Small fish consume photoplankton. C. Zooplankton eats infinitesimal workss. D. Food concatenation ends with big animals. E. Some of the largest animals feed on the smallest. II. Ocean creatures feed at assorted deepnesss of the sea. A. Most big animals gather at the top bed of the ocean. B. Small animals feed on organic dust deep in the ocean. III. Fish species include 340 members. A. Skates B. Rays C. Chimeras D. Sharks IV. Location of sharks A. Devil dog Waterss B. Tropical seas C. Subtropical Waterss V. Length of the shark varies. A. Whale shark every bit great as 49 pess B. Cookie-cutter shark every bit little as 19 inches VI. Agressiveness varies. A. Most appear to be aggressive carnivores. B. Some of the largest are plankton-eaters. VII. Sharks have non changed from the Cretaceous Period. A. Caused by great diverseness in behaviour B. Assortment of sizes C. Excellent version accomplishments VIII. Sharks belong to category Chondrichthyes. A. Scientific names of sharks B. Skeletons of Chondrichthyans are made of gristle. IX. Specific features of the basking shark. A. Found in temperate oceans B. Length up to 43 pess C. Swims near surface D. Feeds on plankton E. Enormous fish F. Mouth is big G. Gill slits H. Originally hunted for its liver oil I. Not known to be unsafe J. Color blends with environment K. Fusiform organic structure L. Placoid Scales M. Characteristics of the caput N. Characteristics of the dentitions Ten. Scientists have recorded measurings of the basking shark. A. Babies are five to six pess at birth. B. Pacific Ocean basking sharks C. Atlantic Ocean basking sharks D. Others have observed lengths from 35 # 8211 ; 50 pess. Eleven. Sharks have been observed in many topographic points. A. Gulf of Maine swimming entirely B. Northeastern United States in big Numberss C. In winter, they move to warm clime D. Known boundaries Twelve. Breeding forms are mostly unknown. A. Produce unrecorded immature B. Ovaries contain six million immature eggs. Thirteen. Sharks have been studied as a remedy for malignant neoplastic disease. A. Ability to defy disease B. Few tumours have been discovered by Smithsonian Institution C. Do non organize tumours when exposed to cancer-causing stuff D. Studies may take to assist for malignant neoplastic disease patients. E. Several scientific discipline labs have studied the usage of shark gristle for malignant neoplastic disease remedies. 1. Dr. I. William Lane # 8211 ; Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer 2. Jing Chen in 1989 3. Cancer Treatment Research Foundation survey is let downing. 4. Current surveies indicate inconclusive consequences. Decision: Current probes and modern cognition of the basking shark have opened new countries of survey with deductions for the wellness of adult male. Plants Cited ? Basking Shark, ? 98 Encyclopedia. Computer Software. California: Microsoft Encarta, 1998. CD-ROM. Bigelow and Schroeder. ? Fishs of the Gulf of Maine. ? United States Government Printing Office, 1953. Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //www.bigelowand Braun, Wendy R. ? A Different Kind of Shark Attack ( Shark Cartilage for Cancer Prevention ) . ? Medical Update. Abstract. Health Reference Center. Las Vegas-Clark County Library District. 26 Apr. 1998. Sept. 1996: 5. Chen, Jing, Weiguo Wang, Huozhong Zhang, et. Al. ? Oil Emulsion of Cetorhinus Maximus in Treating Malignant Tumors: A Clinical Observation of 45 Cases. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. 41-45. Available: J.-MAR.-DRUGS-HAIYANG-YAOWU. Lane, Dr. I William and Linda Comac. Sharks Still Don? T Get Cancer. Garden City Park, New York: Avery Publishing Group, 1996. Luer, Dr. Carl A. ? Sharks and Cancer. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: //marinelab. ? Shark, ? 98 Encyclopedia. Computer Software. California: Microsoft Encarta, 1998. CD-ROM. ? Shark Facts and Stats: General Characteristics. ? Online. Internet. 25 Apr. 1998. Available: hypertext transfer protocol: // ? So Far, Shark Cartilage Is a Fishy Treatment For Cancer. ? Environmental Nutrition. Abstract. Health Reference Center. Las Vegas-Clark County Library District. 26 Apr. 1998. Sept. 1997: 7. Whipple, A.B.C. Restless Oceans. Planet Earth Ser. Alexandria, Virginia: Time-Life Books, 1983.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Letter to my son Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Letter to my son - Essay Example Your dad and I decided to visit the subway for something to eat and as soon as we were done, he moved to another store, as I was moving out of the subway. While moving out, I tried to call your dad to establish his location, and that was when you announced your arrival. It was thirty minutes past noon, and I was rushed to the hospital by your dad. What your father and I underwent in the whole process was not only challenging but also unbearable. The moment you were delivered and placed on my arms, we both cried tears of joy. Your birth was the most cherished moment of our lives. Everybody in the family was happy for having you as a gift from God. I can recall that day when you were born was a Jewish holiday, Rosh Hashanah and we named you Nathaniel meaning a gift from God. At birth, you resembled your uncle Radik very much, and people started referred to you as ‘mini-radik’ but as days went by, you again begun to resemble your aunt Emily. You also had large eyes and long lashes like me. Your changes because of physical development always made my heart melt with joy plus the numerous smiles from when excited. Even though am not sure if I have been a great mother to you, but you were a blessing to me. You were always my reason for happiness as well as a happy marriage with your dad. As days passed by things begun to get difficult and at times I found myself with hard and straining tasks. The non-stop crying since you wanted to feed within a three-hour period, how you dirtied yourself; as a result either urine, excreta or vomit and your refusal to suck when being breastfed. When breastfed you only held to the breast without sucking, you were too lazy. This shocked several people including the lactation consultant and he advised that the milk had to be put in the mouth for one to can drink. The most devastating of all times came when you were sick. We had to see the Doctor severally from when you were

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The Safety and Reliability Issue of Robotic System with Artificial Research Paper - 2

The Safety and Reliability Issue of Robotic System with Artificial Intelligence - Research Paper Example It is a fact that robots need human supervision or intervention for safe functioning. However, current robots need less supervision from human elements and they are intelligent enough to make necessary changes in its functioning based on the changes in the environment. Robots are currently used for people to conduct remote controlled videoconferencing, navigation, rescuing, assisting and lifting of soldiers in the war fronts etc. It is difficult to define artificial intelligence or AI in few words. Generally speaking "Artificial intelligence is the science of making machines do things that would require intelligence if done by men" (Artificial intelligence (AI)). The history of artificial intelligence started along with the discovery of computers in by Charles Babbage. Even though the possibilities of using artificial intelligence or robots are infinite, still people have many concerns about the reliability of using robots for artificial intelligence purposes. After all, robots are machines and machines cannot think as human does. It should be noted that even well experienced individuals are struggling to take appropriate decisions in this ever changing world. Under such circumstances, the reliability of depending artificial intelligence for executing complex jobs which need logical and quick decision making is highly questionable. This paper analyses the Safety and Reliability issue of Robotic System with Artificial Intelligence. Incredible speed in execution is the major advantage of robots controlled by artificial intelligence. Moreover, robots exhaust much slower than humans and therefore it can perform huge volumes of works compared to humans and that also within no time. In manufacturing units, robots can perform complicated works with utmost precision so that manpower requirements can be reduced considerably. Robots with artificial intelligence can handle million of calculations within seconds and therefore, it can perform

Monday, August 26, 2019

Scream Movie Effects Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scream Movie Effects - Essay Example As one of the characters exclaims, "There is a formula for a very simple formula that everyone is a suspect ..!†This document will explain how Craven uses his camera shots, and explicit scene to scare the viewer and keep them guessing who the murderer (s) is. In horror movies, the sound is an intricate part of the film. Scream is no exception. Immediately from the beginning of the movie, the sound is present. The film begins in the same manner with creepy music in the background Dimension Films comes slowly from the darkness. It is followed by a roar as if many of the doors are closed. Even when the music is still mysterious as the film title is stretched and returns in a crash. Then, the phone rings, rapid beating of a heart, fast, scary screams, a knife cutting something, and, finally, followed by more shrill screams. The ringing phone connects to the first scene. The caller picks up the phone and the music, the beating heart, and cry disappear. All this happens within 20 sec onds of the film. Craven has already played in all senses of the viewer. It is expected that something bad is happening. Another example of sound effects early is when Drew Barrymore hangs up the phone for the second time from the mysterious caller. The scene changes to outside the house where the camera focuses on a few branches. We hear the sound of crickets, frogs, etc. In these sounds, a crack is heard. The camera moves down and the viewer sees that it is a swing swaying forward and back, which is making noise. The rope rubs against the branch. It creates a feeling of excitement because, among the quiet night sounds that sound strange cracking sound. It also leaves the viewer wondering maybe someone is in the tree? Wes Craven is determined to use these small objects to scare the viewer. Different images give the viewer information about what is happening on stage. Wes Craven has carefully chosen his plans.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Writing a physics report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Writing a physics report - Essay Example The acceleration of the object is directly proportional to the net force acting upon it while inversely proportional to the mass of the object. The acceleration of the object increases with increase in the force exerted upon it while an increase in the mass of the object causes a decrease in the acceleration. Any object moving in a curved path experiences accelerated motion which requires a net force directed towards the center of the motion. Objects moving in a circular path experience acceleration due to the constantly changing velocity. The acceleration is caused by a force that is directed towards the center of the motion called centripetal force or â€Å"the center seeking† force. Centripetal force keeps the motion of an object in a circular manner as it tends to pull towards the center of the circular motion. Without the centripetal force, the objects would continue moving in a straight line motion. The spring was removed and the mass set to hand freely and the apparatus adjusted to set the radius of the circle to be used. The mass was made to hand directly over the indicator rod to ensure a constant radius of the circle. The spring was attached to the mass and the weight hanger was attached to the other side of the mass with the string passing over the pulley. The force the spring exerts on the mass was determined by adding masses to the weight hanger until the mass was at its equilibrium position, centered over the indicator rod. The connection to the weight hanger was removed and the mass rotated at a constant speed until it was kept centered over the indicator rod. The spring force while rotating the mass centered over the indicator rod was determined and recorded. Measurements of the time period of rotation were made by using the magnetic sensor aligned with small magnet mounted on the central rod. The clock run time was set to 30 seconds for it to record 10-20 rotations. Periodic time T was calculated as follows T= (final

Management of process & people in engineering industary Essay

Management of process & people in engineering industary - Essay Example Pay system for engineering firms are regulated by industrial agreement. Antoni and Baeten have argued that profit related pay can be a much viable option for engineering industry in comparison to fixed rate payment system. PFP in engineering industry is directed by collective bargaining power of engineers working in particular organization (Antoni and Baeten, 2007, p. 123). Identification of Relevant Pay Systems Performance Related Pay Performance related pay is designed in order to measure performance of individual or group in monetary terms. Organizations using performance related pay believe increased pay can motivate employees to perform well. It is difficult to create a standard notion of performance related pay because definition of performance varies from organization to organization. Common performance related pay can be explained in the following manner. Small engineering firms pay price to employees on the basis of each unit of output. Although it is oldest form of performa nce related pay but very few organizations use this model in practical sense. Companies offer individual performance pay schemes in the form of fixed wage or performance related bonus. Engineer’s performance is measured in terms of his/her capability to produce target quantity of output in given timeframe. Cost to the company for engineers is adjusted in terms of fixed salary and variable pay. Variable pay is allocated to employees in the form incentives in order to motivate them to perform well. Individual measure of employee’s performance is subjective to assessment performed by particular supervised. Merit pay defines to pay hike due to good performance (Bryson et al., 2011). Bonus Scheme Research scholars have described bonus scheme as self financing method which provides reward to employees with an intention to motivate them to perform well. Bonus scheme is not a static reward system because many organizations change measurement norm of bonus scheme in accordance to business requirement. Basically bonuses are additional payment to base salary and important thing to remember is that bonuses are not paid in periodic manner. There are no fixed performance criteria to link performance with bonus scheme. Labour law suggests that bonus scheme must not be gender biased while research scholars have divided bonus scheme into two broad categories. Single Factor Bonus Scheme In single factor bonus scheme employee performance is measured in terms of key organizational objectives such as productivity, profit, quarter wise sales target and other short term targets. Multi Factor Bonus Scheme Multi factor bonus scheme is complemented by long term corporate level business objectives. Bonuses are given to particular individual or department on the basis of their overall performance in a particular financial year (Amicus, 2006). Objective of Bonus Scheme Improving performance of employees in terms of profit, sales or productivity Motivating employees to delive r key objectives of business such as service quality, customer relationship

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Should Global Poverty be a U.S National Security Issue Essay

Should Global Poverty be a U.S National Security Issue - Essay Example This paper illustrates that global poverty is a phenomenon that has been in existence for quite a long time now. However, it is noteworthy that it is an aspect of global in equality. By this, I mean that, in most of the countries, there exists an exceptionally wide gap between the upper and the lower class. Some have no middle class at all. This is reflected in the wider picture with the developed countries having massive wealth, as opposed to the peanuts in the developing world. What does this imply? This is so dangerous to the mutual coexistence of these people. Mostly, global poverty has been continually ignored under the pretence that it is not a problematic issue but a social issue of specific countries. Realistically, this is an environmental problem. This is because, for such people in such circumstances, they have an effect to the environment. By this, I mean that, these difficult economic situations do force them to indulge in behaviors that are environmentally unsustainable . For instance, a country in Sub Saharan Africa will be more likely to engage in charcoal burning due to the financial constraints. This may be in an effort to look for money through its sale to sustain their troublesome life or to use it as firewood instead of the cleaner biogas. This in turn, has an effect on global climate by contributing to augmented discharge of green house gases into the atmosphere leading to global warming. Global warming, consequently results into so many disastrous effects. This includes drought, excessive rainfall and respiratory ailments. (Galore and Weil, p 810). This charcoal burning is also capable of directly affecting the environment because it results into soil degradation. Global poverty also turns out to be an environmental problem because, many people do not get to meet their basic needs (Galore and Weil, p 815). This in itself is an environmental crisis because it is the failure to construct a sustainable environment t for human life. The United States national security strategy demands of them to build a balance of power bearing in mind that each country, whether small or large, has its fundamental responsibilities. Moreover, to affect this, it resolves to pioneer aspirations of human self-respect (Galore and Weil, p 820). With the implications that global poverty has on the environment, it is high time that the United States recognize it as an environmental problem. Its effects on the security are also wanting. This is because; due to poverty such people do not get access to adequate education hence termed as the illiterate. With no employment that comes with no skills and little employment activities, it leaves a large room for indulgence in destructive activities. An excellent example is the poverty in the African American community of the United States (Galore and Weil, p 25). With no education that guarantees no education, it is no wonder that they participate in violent crimes. All these considered it will be of the essence if the United States considers entrenching global poverty into the national security Policy. It should thus be considered as United States National security issue. Population, Technology, and Growth This article explores the model through which population, technology and growth can be fitted to come up with a functional and economic legacy. With three regimes that have lived to characterize the economic development, it is essential that these steps be fairly understood. This will be beneficial to map out the possible transitions’ and have a clear understanding of what the future presents to the world in the economic sector. In a situation where the progress in technology is slow with a growing population, there is a likelihood of reduced rise in output growth (Sachs and Sewell, p 34). This means s that the high numbers of people consume more than what technology can provide them. This is because technology is meant to make man, s work easier. However, if this

Friday, August 23, 2019

Serial Rapist Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Serial Rapist - Research Paper Example Some people commit the crime of rape for once or twice but some are the serial rapists who continue to do what they want in order to fulfill their wishful yet deadly desires. No law or court can stop their ultimate desires and its subsequent actions. Where ever they go they take their rapping attributes with them because they do not consider it a crime rather they call it their right. One similar case of a serial rapist illustrates that the criminal was arrested and then sentenced to prison in 1994 in Manhattan, New York. He was an old offender of raping and exploiting women. He once raped a business woman of 30+ years old in her own apartment. This guy managed to get into the house when she was out and hide. When she returned back in the late afternoon she did not know that some serious criminal is waiting for her on the side. As soon as she opened the door she found him in front of her. She looked at his face and then she could never remove his image from her mind. That guy raped t he girl. This was not his first act of rape rather he was a serial rapist who had been involved in other raping activities as well in Manhattan. However, the girl was raped for the first time. This girl had a clear look on his face whereas in all his previous cases he was able to hide his identity so that nobody could report against him. NYPD’s Detective Bureau has a Special Victim’s Squad to deal with the cases related to rape and forceful sex in the New York. This Bureau has a very distinctive way of investigation. They initiate the search of the offender with his Composite Sketch. In this case also they were able to draw the sketch of the criminal with the help of the girl victim who could easily recall his features and then told to the sketch designer. The composite sketch session went pretty successful and the detective unit got the sketch of the serial rapist. The victim herself was satisfied with the drawn sketch and said that it closely resembles the original person. The detective then made several photocopies of the criminal’s sketch which were then sent to the printing press in order to make it a wanted poster. This poster was then distributed among all the departments and key positions. It was hanging under some police boundaries that Assistant District Attorney (ADA) was within the Ne w York City for some other responsibilities and purposes. As she had a sight of the wanted poster she immediately recognized him as her step brother. She showed the highest level of courage and selflessness by telling the Detective Squad about her relationship with this serial rapist and fully cooperated with them in the investigations. Her recognition of the picture gave a very important clue to the Squad. The serial rapist was Anthony. This man lived in Florida where he was involved in rape cases. Few years ago he was arrested by the police because of the same crime. He was released just a few months before his recent case. The Special Victims Squad successfully arrested him from his Florida residence and he was then presented to the victim who also recognized him. During Anthony’s trial the judge identified that he used to have a great pleasure in raping women. He never considered it as a crime or an illegal activity. He was pretty much contented with what he was doing. Si nce he had committed the first degree rape therefore he was sentenced to 20 to 40

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Dracula and The Strange Case Essay Example for Free

Dracula and The Strange Case Essay Dracula, by Bram Stoker, and The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, are classic examples of Gothic literature. Gothic literature is a genre that combines elements of both horror and romance. It is identified by its use of terror and horror to shock the reader, and this is usually created by setting the novel in huge, austere castles, with mysterious protagonists and horrific imagery.  In the opening of Chapter 2 of Dracula, we are being described the imposing castle of the protagonist Count Dracula, in the eyes of a Solicitor’s clerk’s journal, called Jonathan Harker. This first person narrative, which also appears in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in the form of the Mr Utterson, creates a lot of terror as the fact that they are describing it, really makes the reader come to terms that this actually happened. However, we do not know whether what they are saying is true or false, as we only have the word of the respective characters, given the piece a sense of mystery and suspense. As these two passages are based on description (describing the house and Mr Hyde in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and describing Count Dracula’s house in Dracula), adjectives are key in creating tension and terror. In Dracula, the adjectives reflect that in the dark, all your senses are heightened, so everything seems bigger, â€Å"I stood next to a great door, old and studded with large iron nails, and set in a projecting doorway of massive stone†. This piece is also given an aural dimension by adding noise. In the phrase, â€Å"the sound of rattling chains and the clanking of massive bolts drawn back. A key was turned with the loud grating noise of long disuse† the adjectives used are onomatopoeic which gives the reader a sense of sound which brings the writing to live. In The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, negative adjectives are used to describe the house to create an unpleasant aura surrounding the house, associating it with evil, â€Å"the door was blistered and distained. [it bore] the marks of prolonged and sordid negligence†.  The theme of light and dark plays a large part in Gothic literature, where darkness symbolises evil and horror and light symbolises happiness and safety, down to humans primitive terror of darkness. Both the ‘stories’ take place in the dark, automatically creating a sense of terror. In Jonathan Harker’s Journal, he likens the situation to a ‘horrible nightmare’, meaning the reader can empathise with him. In both passages, we are given a vivid description of the outside of the buildings, but we are not told about the inside, leaving it up to the readers imagination. This is very effective as it makes the reader feel like he is actually in the scene being described. In Chapter 2 of Dracula, Stoker personifies the house, â€Å"it was not likely that my voice could penetrate through these frowning walls†. This is effective as it again makes you think what is on the inside, and in this case, who is doing the ‘frowning’. Again this same technique is done in The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. The phrase, â€Å"a certain sinister building thrust forward its gable† gives the house a sense of its own power, through the personification. This is also shown by likening the faà §ade of the house to a face, â€Å"a blind forehead of discoloured wall†. In the two passages, the door is focused on: â€Å"the door which was equipped with neither bell nor knocker† and â€Å"I stood close to a great door, old and studded with large iron nails†. This is because it is the gateway between what we know, and what we don’t know as a reader. The fact that there is â€Å"neither bell nor knocker† is important as it gives the house an impenetrable quality, making the reader guess what it is the doors are hiding. It also demonstrates the use of contrast to create tension. Contrast is effective as when to juxtaposed things are linked together, tension is created as the reader is unsure what is happening. Contrast is shown by the main protagonist from Dracula. We are told that he is black and white, symbolising that he is both dead and alive. We are not told anything about the two main protagonists. However the image the reader is presented with are very different in the two passages. In The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, we are disgusted by this amoral character who tramples over this small child. In the phrase, â€Å"the two ran into one another naturally enough at the corner; [but] the man trampled calmly over the child’s body†, the adverb, â€Å"calmly† is the most horrific as it shows he had no problems with what he did. However, in Dracula, the Count is shown to be very hospitable and welcoming, â€Å"I bid you welcome to my house. Come in; the night air is chill, and you must need to eat and rest†. This stark contrast raises the issue as to whether Count Dracula is all that he seems, hence creating terror.  Both these passages play on the readers’ fear of the unknown. Both authors use varied techniques to create terror and successfully bring the reader into the narrative. What makes The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde more horrific is that it uses all the Gothic themes, except he then places it into London, making it much more believable than castles and counts. The fear is that it really could be anywhere.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

the business model of Apples itunes

the business model of Apples itunes Evaluate the business model of Apples itunes. In particular you should address:- 1. To what extent can the itunes business model be described as an ecosystem and what is the role of IT in enabling the collaboration between Apple, its economic partners and consumers? 2. How does itunes compare with competitors? 3. What new technologies could disrupt the current market by enabling a new form of business model? Introduction Business model in a basic sense deals with the method of doing business in order to generate revenues by which a company sustains itself in the competitive market place ( (Rappa, 2009).According to (Amberg Manuela) analysis on music industries, there are lots of media websites and companies following different business models fallen prey to file sharing tools and peer-peer networks which allow consumers to illegally copy and share the content for free. As a consequence , companies like Apple iTunes and Sony Connect have come up with internet based business models based on pay-per-download and dependent on the technology of the supplier for whom long-term customer relations are very crucial and customers are allowed to use the digital media content particularly with regard to technology of the supplier thus getting advantage and benefitting from selling hardware components because the offer of digital media content advances it. These business models replace the traditional business m odels which are generally based on selling physical media.This paper shows the fair understanding of Apple iTunes business model for its dominance over the current music market and tries to describe the business model with respect to ecosystem and compares iTunes with its key competitors in the market. The biological term ecosystem in this paper refers to the IT ecosystem. (Iansiti Richards, 2005) describes IT ecosystem as network of organizations that drives the creation, innovation and delivery of Information Technology products and services. According to (Cusumano, 2008) the term ‘Platform, is defined as â€Å" Foundation product or key technology in a system like the PC or a web enabled cell phone and should have relatively open technical interfaces and easily licensing terms in order to encourage other firms to contribute complementary product and services. So this can be accounted to an ecosystem around the platform and the platform becomes more valuable when the exter nal entities creative more innovations around it. This should cause more users to adopt the platform and more complementors to join the network. iTunes as an ecosystem Online music hit a new milestone after Apple computer,Inc.(Apple) launched the iTunes application in January 2001 follwed by launch of 1st generation iPod and 2 years later online music store in April of 2003.The two businesses, the production of MP3 players and the online music shops were initially considered as different units and after the invention of new hardware iPod these two businesses were merged. iTunes is a software designed with an intuitive and user friendly interface and iPod is an hardware designed with an eye on fashion. These two together helped Apple to enter and succeed in the music player market infact actually cross promoting the iPod hardware device. Because of their service and innovation Apple retained to grow in the online music field in a better way when compared to its key competitors like Dell, Sony and Samsung( (Li Chang). According to (Schonfeld, 2009) statistics, iTunes have now sold 6 billion songs and 10 million different tracks are now available on iTunes. iTunes is software and iPod is hardware as said by (Li Chang) are two different business units and Apple conjucts these two different products into one new business model. Using ecology to analyze this model(iPod and iTunes) it has set a nice example for ecotone between two species to drive the music industry into new ecosystem. A strong platform is apparent from the combination of both the software and the hardware. The below shows the evolution of new ecosystem with combination of two stand-alone ecosystems. ‘Most companies today inhabit ecosystemsloose networks of suppliers, distributors, and outsourcers; makers of related products or services; providers of relevant technology; and other organizations that affect, and are affected by, the creation and delivery of a companys own offering†¦.. as said by (Iansiti Levien, 2004) shows how business industry can be closely compared to biological ecosystem. Like every individual in the biological ecosystem every organization in the business ecosystem shares the fate of the network as a whole regardless of that members apparent strengths. Comparing this with the Apple business, iPod is not really an innovative technology by itself but the company creates a new ecotone for digital music where all the hardware(iPods) and software(iTunes) are related to it enhances its platform. According to (Koster, 2007) There is a continuous decline in the traditional sale of music sources like retail music stores and the on-going music industries ar e restructuring themselves by merging with other partners to face the loss of revenues and to adopt with the new business strategies and models in the music industry to compete with the counterparts. Even in the digital music world today, legitimate music downloading is continuously changing. Initial music sites have very strong limitations on access catalogs of music, on what could be done with the downloaded music, number of copies, time limits, where to copy. Though Apple iTunes works on this model, it is successful in negotiating a very large music catalog from the four labels from its music site. He says that one large advantage and success for Apple is because of its hardware device iPod where normally music is stored and playback. The revenues from iPods sales continue to grow after the introduction of iTunes. Though Apple had gotten permission from four majors to store their music on its website for consumers to download by promising the copyright protection authority DRM, i t is now planning to get away with DRM because they make the downloaded or recorded music very cumbersome for the consumer. This is evident from (Johnson, 2009) article on web which says By the end of the quarter all 10 million songs will be DRM free in iTunes and iTunes plus, said Phil Schiller, Apples senior vice president of worldwide product marketing. The blog witten by (Vitalari, 2009) clearly examines at the 21st century business model adopted by Apple to become successful in the market. He believes that business platforms are the root cause for cumulative business performance. Apples competitive business platforms is the main drive for innovations like community formation, mass collaboration, social networking, ecosystems, real time analytics, transparency etc. The iPhone App store was launched in July 2008 and today iTunes store is a total set of all forms of the digital media including music, games, software application, podcasts and video assets . As his explanation, the driving factors for Apple success and points out that the effective business platforms have few key ingredients:  · iPods, iphones are not just products instead they represent individual business platforms and they create an ecosystem surrounding the product which means they create a common understanding for business transactions, technical specifications, interface standards and requirements. With the iPhone this includes all of the sub-contracted manufacturers, but more importantly it includes iTunes, the app store and app developers.This results in creating a transparency which enables and facilitates hundreds of participants to collaborate asynchronously and independently.  · This leads directly to the second point, which is that the business platform then helps to generate untold business analytics for the platforms owner.This is because of the elements of the business platform are networked and generates valuable information about the product, ecosystem and participants. Apple used this analytics to fix, improve and enhance the product and finally delighting the customers.  · This in turn creates a community of practice surrounding the business platform, as the collaborators learn how to make better things. IT in enabling collaboration with partners and consumers As a cofounder of Apple, Steve Jobss vision was to create new and different products to consumers and his notion of â€Å"one person-one computer became visionary responsible for Apples reputation for innovation and mission became changing the world by bringing the computers to masses (Richard D Vohr, 1998).Apple came back with reinvention of personal computer with Macintosh in 1980 after igniting the computer industry revolution with inventing Apple II and it is commited to bring the best computing experience to all the fields starting from students, educators, professionals and consumers all around the globe with its innovative software hardware and internet offerings. This Apples mission statements indicates it focuses on innovation and personal computing experience( (Pearlson Saunders, 2009). Apple From 1987-1997 the company suffered due to some major internal problems which affected the strategic leadership and its operations but after Steve Jobss second turn as CEO, company fixed operational problems and regains its innovative leadership dramatically. Few changes like manufacturing outsourcing and improving inventory became straight forward matching Dell, the industry leader.It moved to open industry standards rather than proprietary hardware interfaces that it had maintained for 15 years and thus in a minor way Apples product strategy became more open( (West Mace, 2007).As per ( (Apple Computer, 2006) Apple derives its competitive advantage again by its innovation giving iPod as an example. Apple entered the market with iPod in 2001and by end of fourth quarter of fiscal year 2005, iPods sales gained 33% of the total revenues. The factors which are accountable to their success and uniqueness are its computers based on its own operating system, which enabled further area of innovation.Its Mac OS operating system focuses on more simplicity and seen as graphically sophisticated. (West Mace, 2007)Recent trends have seen increasing strategy convergence be tween Apple and Microsoft .For its video game business, similar to its rivals Sony and Nintendo Microsoft buys the processor but designs its own hardware and software without licensing them to others.Meanwhile ‘Zune, Microsofts music players try to compete successfully to attain equality with Apples iPod. This shows Apple pursued a vertically integrated strategy in its music business. Vertical strategy is single firms controlling the entire platform. Apple leveraging its Macintosh installed base to establish iTunes music store and building iPod business on top of that and now iPhone business shows its expansion into adjacent markets and this loyal installed base makes any company easier to branch into a related market and this becomes a lesson for the other companies and Apple aims at satisfying the costumer not just upgrading the costumers what they have today like the other companies do. When ATT decided to make offer to iTunes many other mobile industries criticized it for making too many concessions to Apple. Due to this offer ATT gets benefit from Apple in two ways , one is Apple increases the average monthly bills for the customers who switch from ATT to iPhone and the second one is it causes existing people to switch from existing carriers to ATT as its the exclusive carrier for iPhone( (The Apple iPhone:Successes and Challenges for the Mobile Industry, 2008). Digital Record Management systems are uses to encrypt the data does not allow illegal or non authorization download of music and currently there are two main formats used for protect downloading of music. One is fairplay and the other is WMA. Fairplay is Apples proprietary technology where it secure the data encrypted in AAC( Advanced Audi Coding) format. WMA is Microsofts Windows media audio video encoding platform. iPods can play only those stuff which are secured through fairplay format and Apple has refuse to lincense this fairplay to other retailers and so it is difficult for iPod users to download music from other retailers other than iTunes music store. But recently Realnetworks in US came up with a package which allows iPod users resident in US to play secures music from Realnetworkss music store Rhapsody. Apple got furious with this and accused Realnetworks of ‘Hacker tactics and Ethics and reported to investigating on that for violating the intellectual rights. If apple is capable of putting an end to such violations then the indispensability of fairplay could be established( (The iTunes music store: does competition law hold the key to closed shop?, 2004) According to insights into IDCs lifesciences by (Swenson Golden, 2005) Apple products are getting attracted by the life science researchers who actually migrated from linux and unix platforms because of the dual nature of Mac OS and its estimated historically that the life scientists have been twice or thrice more likely than the average computer user to Apples Mac platform as client computer thus representing attractive market for Apple. It has announced about its collaboration with airlines which includes Air France, Continental, Delta, United and KLM to integrate the in flight entertainment systems with iPod and taking the current entertainment provided in these airlines to a next level for better travel experience( (Apple_Partners_with_Airlines_for_iPod_Integration, 2006). Sets Apple as an interesting example for not being an open source model in its business strategies but is thought b of being a highly proprietary company from its earlier years. Now it has jumped into open sou rce and have started projects both inside and outside its corporate firewalls. Apples OS X was a open source because it was based on Darwin. Its developer website said that Apples open source projects let key developers to customize and enhance Apple software and through this open source models it allows Apple engineers to collaborate with open source community to come up with better and more reliable products (Goldman Gabriel, 2005). On September 2007, Apple and Starbucks announced their collaboration on Apple letting costumers at Starbucks wirelessly browsing, previewing, buying and downloading music from iTunes music stores at Starbucks on their iPods enhancing Starbucks retail coffee experience by helping customers with discovering new music instantly (Rothman, 2007). These examples shows how Apple is spreading the digital media revolution with its technologically profound products. Apple believes in fully integrated and completely digital learning environment which makes conte nts to move from from application to another and easy to collaborate and share ideas. Integration even reduces the burden of technology challenge. So Apples IT team rather than spending time and money on how to get things working feels it worthwhile to dedicate the same on providing capabilities, innovations and resources for its institution (Everything Apple means everything just works). iTunes and Competitors: The majors competitors for Apple are Google and Microsoft Corporation and other competitors include Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Fujitsu, Samsung Electronics, Sony and Toshiba. Apple is designing software and hardware systems that delivers a greater user experience. Google is giving away operating systems to companies that license windows mobile today. Microsoft needs to think about their business models to compete in such a race where it probably has to decide whether it wants to compete in devices or operating systems and doing both is again at a risk which requires business models that are outside its core competencies( (The Apple iPhone:Successes and Challenges for the Mobile Industry, 2008). There is a partial collision between Apple and RIM in smartphone business in which Apples device is a entertainment centric whereas RIMs product is a communication centric.Though each company is growing into each others space Apple is got the advantage because infrastructure establishment would be too large for RIM and beside that RIMs image is all wrong for that instead it is much better to defend and grow its market by adding more features and types of business communications to Blackberry. Comparing it with Nokia, Nokias challenges are more about challenges. They sell hundred of millions handsets every year at low costs. But without it, Nokia will be really hard pressed to match with the iPhones user experiences. Competitors such as Diamond multimedia, with its Rio brand portable media players were successful in the market until Apple displaced them and all the credits for such a domination goes to the business model of the company by offerings users a seamless music experience by combining its iPod devices with iTunes and online iTunes store. Users were taken away by its value proposition and Apple had to negotiate deals with the major record companies to establish the worlds largest online music library, there giving the twist for the company to earn most of its revenue s by selling iPods while using the integration with the on online music store to protect itself from the competitors( (Osterwalder Yves, 2009).Smartphone users are going to increase in number in the next few years increasing in the PC functionalities supporting data services and voice and this is going to drive smartphone markets and Apple launching the iPhone which meets most of the required functionalities made it to third position in the global smartphone market in the third quarter of 2008. As there is rapid change in the technology there is introduction of new products with competitive prices, features and performance characteristics by all the competitors and out of all, mobile communication industry highly competitive with well funded and experienced competitors. For example in 2009, Nokia launched a new online media store in competition to Apple and this has resulted in price erosion which is now threatening to lessen the market share of the company( (DATAMONITOR, 2009). What new technologies could disrupt the current market by enabling a new form of business model. Apple has become the leader in the music world revolution and it justifies for its closed source system, keeping its digital music platform proprietary making it incompatible by other system by saying that it was the main reason in convincing its music labels and artists allowing them to sell their songs through iTunes assuring that those would not be pirated. But many analysts claim that that closed system was the reason for its previous failure in the computer business and Microsoft gained the masses with their open systems and now that is being seen as a gamble in this highly cometetive technology world (Williard, 2005). According to survey done by Rubicon Consulting Inc on the Apple iPhone users shows that about 43 percent of the iPhone users feels that the device would be more elegant if there is a physical change to the iPhone by adding adding a keyboard or a keypad either by making the device smaller or larger and about 40 percent of the users complain about the browser proble ms and the notably with those using Adobe flash and this shows that mobile data devices has always been segmented and its impossible for any single hardware design to please everyone. This could be an opportunity to Apple to increase its share by serving those customers by giving more importance to value propositions for their products which is again a part of business model and at the same time its an opportunity for its competitors to steal that share by addressing segments Apple failed in( (The Apple iPhone:Successes and Challenges for the Mobile Industry, 2008). Apple corporation itself has many problems but loss of competitive differentiation due to its Enterprise sytem is not counted in that because of its strong brand and its distinct operating system. For many of the other computer manufacturers cost and service are more vital for their differentiation than their products but for Apple this seems to be a unusual case says (Davenport, 1998). ‘Disruptive Business Models are emblematic of our generation. Yet they remain poorly understood, even as they transform competitive landscapes across industries (Osterwalder Yves, 2009). Conclusion: According to Sankar Dhinu, Apples senior manager of Emerging Technology, to be competitive in worlds high tech industry, one should make use of the facilities like available economic advantage of the manufacturing and distribution and Apple success goes with its interaction with dozens of trading partners , starting from resellers to distributors and OEM manufacturers which in turn helped it to form a global supply chain. Due to increased competition Apple is also facing many pressures and already working towards less limitation and freer access of digital music. Thus majors themselves are getting involved in those changes and Apples CEO Steve Jobs has called for an end to DRM because they make use of downloaded and recorded music very inconvenient and cumbersome for the consumer.( (Koster, 2007) Biblography: Amberg, M., Manuela, S. ANALYSIS OF E-BUSINESS MODELS FOR DIGITAL MEDIA . (2006). Apple Computer. The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 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Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Advantages Of Web Applications Computer Science Essay

Advantages Of Web Applications Computer Science Essay Web application development is the process and practice of developing web applications. Web applications are business strategies and policies implemented on the Web through the use of User, Business and Data services. These tools are where the future lies. Web based applications have evolved considerably over the present years and alongside improvements in protection and knowledge there are plenty of scenarios where traditional software based applications and arrangements might be enhanced by transferring them to a web based application. The following are a few of the core benefits of web based applications. Cross platform compatibility. Majority of the web based applications are much more extra compatible across platforms than traditional installed software. Normally the minimum necessity should be a web browser of which there are plenty. (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape to term but a few) These web browsers are obtainable for a multitude of working operating systems and so whether you use Windows, Linux or Mac OS you can run the web application More manageable The web based systems just need to be installed on the server allocating minimal requirements on the end user workstation. This makes maintaining and notifying the arrangement far simpler as normally it can all be completed on the server. Each client updates can be used via the web server with ease. Highly deployable Because of the manageability and cross platform support, employing web applications to the end user is much easier. They are additionally flawless where bandwidth is limited and the system and data is remote to the user. At their most deployable you plainly need to dispatch the user to a website address to log in to and provide them with internet access. This has huge implications permitting you to widen admission to your systems, update procedures and enhance connections by bestowing more of your clients, suppliers and third parties with admission to your systems. Secure live data In larger and more complex systems the data is stored and shifted around various systems and data sources. In web based systems these systems /procedures can frequently be consolidated cutting the demand to move data around. Web based applications additionally furnish an added layer of protection by removing the demand for the user to have admission to the data and back end servers. Reduced costs Web based applications can lower prices dramatically due to decreased support and maintenance, lower the requirements on the end user system and simplify the architecture. Reduce company prices less time is spent conversing to clients over the phone; remove printed materials; permit users to update/modify their own details. With more updating of your company procedures as a consequence of your web based application supplementary savings can frequently be found. Zero installations all computers have a browser Centralised data more secure easy to backup. Quick and easy to update. Reach anyone, anywhere in the world. Availablility 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Low spec PCs or smart phones can be used. Training- Online can be completed at users own time and pace. Direct access to latest information for Employees where it is located. Always up-to-date. Web-based applications are tricky to grasp and maintain. The users of Web-based applications change quite dynamically. Users can everywhere around the globe, managing to an inherent assumption that the request has to be highly available. An exceedingly obtainable request has to additionally be exceedingly reliable and scalable. All good Web-based applications benefit from countless features. In this article, I will debate some of the aspects and the key features that you have to address in a Web application: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Scalability à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Availability à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Maintainability à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Reliability Key features for a Web application Each enterprise application must have the above-mentioned abilities, as well as affordability, reliability, upgradability, supportability, profitability and marketability. Scalability Scalability of an application has two autonomous aspects these are scale up and scale out. Scaling up involves enhancing the hardware or optimizing the software to safeguard a solitary server machine that can support extra users. Example, if a machine upheld 100 users before a scale up, then, afterward a scale up exercise, it could rise to 125 users. Scale out is when extra servers that present the same functions can be added, without disrupting the software, to rise the number of users upheld by the application. The users could rise from 100 to 175 afterwards adding one more set of server machines. The number of users should not double because of the overhead of contact between the servers allocating the load. This additionally shows that the software can be able to seamlessly allocate the burden of a single server between more than one server. Availability High availability is generally used synonymously with availability. A highly available application is the one thats up and running most periods in a year, hence elevated potential is measured in words of downtime across the year. This downtime additionally includes projected downtime of the request for maintenance and upgrading. Maintainability An application is believed to be maintainable if it can cater to most of the needs of the users above its lifetime. If an application can raise the number of users as demanded, enhance the features that users demand, and add new features to the request as demanded, next the application is maintainable. Reliability The downtime of an application due to bugs in the software is usually the unreliability factor. It is extremely vital for an application to have a elevated reliability factor to safeguard that it is additionally exceedingly available. Availability is decreased alongside each kind of downtime, encompassing downtime for software bugs. Task 2 Using two languages in each case to critically compare the different types of server-side and client-side scripting language A scripting language or script language is a programming language that supports the writing of scripts, programs written for a software environment that automate the execution of tasks which could alternatively be executed one-by-one by a human operator. A client-side script is a progam that could convoy an HTML document or be embedded directly in it. The program executes on the clients machine after the document loads, or at a little supplementary period such as after a link is activated. HTMLs support for scripts is autonomous of the scripting language. Scripts proposal authors a way to spread HTML documents in highly active and interactive ways. E.g: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Scripts could be assessed as a document loads to adjust the contents of the document dynamically. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Scripts could convoy a form to process input as it is entered. Designers could vibrantly fill out portions of a form established on the benefits of supplementary fields. They could additionally safeguard that input data conforms to predetermined scopes of benefits, that fields are reciprocally consistent, etc. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Scripts could be activated by events that alter the document, such as loading, unloading, agent focus, mouse movement, etc. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Scripts could be related to form controls (e.g., buttons) to produce graphical user interface elements. Server side scripting languages in a web hosting account Server side scripting language makes it probable to craft more advanced web sites. This page encompasses descriptions of the most public scripting languages obtainable in web hosting accounts. For the making of advanced dynamic websites, you require some server side scripting. Server side scripts are programs that are provided on the server, and can be utilized in countless ways. Template based web sites and shopping carts are a few examples. The languages utilized for these tasks are normal software design languages alongside distinct libraries/packages for server side scripting. Not all web hosting reports support all public scripting languages, so this is a vital factor in your find for the flawless web host. The following are a few of the most public software design languages utilized for server side scripting. ASP/ ASP, or Alert Server Pages, is a technology industrialized by Microsoft for making more advanced web pages. The most common language for software design ASP is VBScript. It is obtainable in most web hosting accounts on Microsoft servers. There is additionally a edition for Unix servers shouted Chillisoft ASP, but it is not as stable as real ASP. There are plenty of online ASP resources too. ASP.NET 4.Matthew MacDonald (5 Sep 2010) is the subsequent creation ASP technology that permits you to use any .net-enabled language to plan a site. The two most public languages for .net web software design is and C#. Both of these languages are good choices for both desktop and web applications. is perhaps easier to use and learn, and C# is extra utilized for enterprise applications PHP PHP, or PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is an open source language .PHP has obtained large popularity the last few years. It is very easy to learn and there are countless readymade scripts available. Nearly every single inexpensive web hosting package includes PHP. Compared to other languages It is easy to learn for a programming language with countless books and web sources dedicated to it. PHP MySQL In Easy Steps by Mike McGrath (15 Aug 2012) The main choice for server side scripting on Unix/Linux periods is PHP. Its easy to learn and quick to program in. Java (JSP/Servlets) is the favored choice for larger projects/enterprises. Those who are arranging to become expert Windows programmers cant go wrong alongside, alongside language choices for both beginners and extra experienced programmers. ColdFusion, Perl and Python are additionally good software design languages alongside their exceptional strengths. The languages are just instruments, and most software design methods can be utilized alongside most software design languages. Programmers should select one language and stick to it in the beginning. The use of different languages can be mystifying for beginners. For experienced programmers, new scripting languages are more easier to learn. PHP vs Comparison Scalability and Ease of Maintenance Scalability and ease of maintenance have nothing to do if a programmer selects PHP or platform. Web application scalability and ease of maintenance chiefly depend on the Programmers experience à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Using the best programming design practices à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Using a solid programming design framework à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Following software design guidelines and standards. Performance and Speed There has been a lot of debate concerning this subject and most of the debates have been biased and have been tailored to advance one of the programming languages instead of notifying the audience. There are so many countless supplementary factors to ponder when it comes to computing web application speed, so the speed of each software design language ought to not have any noticeable effect on the speed and presentation of most of the websites nowadays. When it comes to the main and common database servers, MySQL (now owned by Oracle), PostgreSQL, MSSQL and Oracle are all clashing for speed and performance. new features are seen and better performance by all database servers in every single edition enhance so I will say that the above database servers will all have a outstanding performance if the database programmers use optimized and useful SQL queries and if demanded, use the elevated features such as caching. MySQL is utilized by Google, Facebook, YouTube, Yahoo and very recently on FIFA world Cup that has consented a huge amount of viewers worldwide. This shows the capability of the MySQL database server Other items that can have a result on presentation but have nothing to do alongside the software design language is selected are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ability and vision of programmer to optimize the code à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ability and vision of programmer to accurately write properly and optimized SQL queries. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ a few functions could take longer to present in the platform and less time in the PHP platform or the other way round Cost: PHP, MySQL server, Apache server, and Linux OS are all free and upgrades are additionally free. There is no additional licensing price for possessing one more hot standby server as a backup, or demanding to run several servers for burden balancing or server clustering. is free if you buy Windows OS. There is a comprehensive licensing price for a Microsoft Windows Server, Microsoft SQL Server and upcoming upgrades The licensing prices for Microsoft can considerably rise if the site becomes porpular and there is a demand to run the site on several servers or needs server features such as burden balancing, server clustering or hot standby. Support and Resources Since LAMP is open source, there is a large number of dedicated and approachable developers around the globe who unceasingly make improvements and updates, and provide added support for the platform. Additionally, there are extra support resources and developers obtainable for PHP and LAMP Platforms. relies on an available number of developers at Microsoft for making improvements and updates. There are less support contributors available to solve challenges. Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Dynamic Websites by Robin Nixon (3 Sep 2012) Time to Deploy It takes a larger number (more lines) of code to finish difficult features and functionality alongside contrasted to PHP, adding extra time and cost to the development process. According to Programming PHP [Paperback]Kevin Tatroe (Author), Peter MacIntyre (Author), PHP is interpreted at the server, so after changing functionality, no supplementary steps are needed to see the changes. needs to be compiled every single time the code is modified. The development process is extra time-consuming after employing as compared to PHP. Platform Independent PHP is platform independent that can run on any platform (Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows) In contrast is only built to run only on the Windows platform. Task 3 Discuss three web security concerns and make recommendations for security improvements Privacy A term frequently used to delineate an individuals anonymity and how safe they feelin a location. when you are refering to privacy on the Internet, this usually means to what data is public alongside the visiting site, how that data is utilized, who that data is shared with, or if that data is used to track users on the website. Answers to these inquiries are usually discovered on the firm or website privacy strategy Examples of privacy invasion Identity theft Identity theft  is the act of a person obtaining information illegally about someone else. Often the thief will try finding such information as first name, surname, address, date of birth, social security number, passwords, phone numbers, email, family information, credit card numbers, other credit information, etc. The thief can then use this information to gain access to bank accounts, e-mail, cell phones, identify themselves as you, or sells your information. There are various ways of preventing identity theft e.g Using secure pages when on the internet. This are usually indicated with a lock Do not store debit /credit card details online Having active and up-to-date  spyware  protection program Having antivirus protection awareness of fake e-mails and  phishing  e-mails making sure computer is secure (passwords) Hacking   This is a term associated with any change not approved by the manufacturer or developer that makes the device do something it was not initially intended to do. Hackers usually use a software program downloaded to help a user perform a hack on their computer or other computer or device. Some software that may claim to do one thing may do another. For example, software that may promise to gain you access to another individuals computer may allow other hackers to get access to your information (aka  Trojan Horses). Listing of programs that may indicate a hacker has been on the computer. Backdoors  and  Trojans  are by far the most common programs to be installed on the computer after it has been hacked. These programs allow the hacker to gain access to the computer. Spyware, rogue antivirus programs, and  malware  can be an indication of a hacker. The following are ways of protecting your computer system Verify data is encrypted Use safe passwords Be cautious when logging from different locations Update internet browser plugins Secure saved passwords Be aware of those around you III) Destruction this is a very important reason for securing of data. System can be damaged and thus losing of data. Viruses can cause a system to function slowly and in time crash. This will affect other users. Malicious file execution Uploaded files or other data feeds may not be what they seem. Never allow user-supplied input to be used in any file name or path (e.g. URLs or file system references). Uploaded files may also contain a malicious payload so should not be stored in web accessible locations. According to Computer Security  by Dieter Gollmann  (Mar 8, 2011)When sending confidential information such as usernames, passwords or financial/personal details make sure by verifying that it is encrypted. Use of URL like HTTPS Familiarize you with phishing scams and techniques, which are used to con you into divulging account information. Finally make sure to store passwords and login information in a secure area. Never write login information on a sticky note or in a text file that is not encrypted.